Can I enter the US with my Canadian refugee travel documents? Do I need to apply for an ESTA or do I just show it at the port of entry like a regular Canadian citizen? I’ll probably drive in or take the train to cross the border :) Also, would this be linked to my old past passport?

1 Answer 1


Can I enter the US with my Canadian refugee travel documents?


Do I need to apply for an ESTA or do I just show it at the port of entry like a regular Canadian citizen?

Neither. You need a visa.

Also, would this be linked to my old past passport?

They'll take your fingerprints, so yes.

  • 2
    I presume this answer is correct. But since the visa requirement seems to against the OPs expectations, the answer could be improved by explaining why (i.e. according to which laws and regulations) a refugee with Canadian refugee travel documents is treated differently that a Canadian citizen when it comes to entering the US.
    – Dreamer
    Commented Jan 27, 2023 at 7:54
  • 1
    @Dreamer I presume because a Convention travel document allows the holder to travel but as it replaces the holder’s national passport it does not confer citizenship rights.
    – Traveller
    Commented May 29 at 7:49

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