I need to send my passport to LA VFS to get my temporary resident visa stamp for Canada. In the process of generating 2-way labels, it had asked for application category and instead of "original passport submission", I selected "temporary resident visa" option. I have already paid 75 dollars in this process and even though my receipt shows application category but labels do not have category. I wanted to know if I can still use my label or it needs to be corrected to "original passport submission" category.

  • 1
    How were you able to resolve this issue? Did you go ahead with the TRV category?
    – Shikha
    Commented Feb 20, 2023 at 23:44

1 Answer 1


I faced a similar inquiry and came across an answer that mentioned, It can be either one. I attempted using both categories and found that each had the same amount of $77.**.

For those curious about the context, I'm going to use 'original passport submission' procedure, as explained in this link and the response gets from chat with VFS(In screenshot).


enter image description here

I'll provide an update once I get more information.

Or for anyone else still searching for answers on this topic, there are a few more discussions on the same subject which might shed some light:

I hope these resources prove helpful to others with the same question. Let's stay updated and share findings!

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