So I dropped out from my grad school while in Canada, I'm an Indian citizen. My passport has student visa and Temporary Resident Visa of Canada.

  1. I flew out of Canada and haven't entered back in India -- does this matter? Entering India again? (It's been about 5 months since I dropped)
  2. I travelled to France, UAE and now I'll be flying back from UAE to Canada, and I hope on my tourist visa -- is that possible?

Just clarifying - my TRV is a completely separate Temporary Resident Visa on my passport I applied for before getting my student visa. I then got my student visa and entered canada as a student in November 2021. I'm okay with giving up/not using my Student visa at all. I only plan to stay for 3 weeks in Canada to visit my extended family there.


some important points:

  1. TRV issue date: March 2018, Valid upto: November 2026
  2. Student Visa issue date: September 2021, Valid upto: September 2023
  3. Entered Canada for the first time, using my Student Visa: November 2021
  4. Dropped from studies: April 2022
  5. Exited Canada (for France): June 2022
  6. Haven't been back to India (home country) yet
  7. Currently in UAE
  8. Planning to travel to Canada (from UAE): September 2022 -- on my TRV
  • 2
    When you dropped, have you informed IRCC accordingly? Not having done so might make a further entry way more difficult Commented Aug 28, 2022 at 16:14
  • 1
    For what purpose are you planning to return to Canada? You got the visa on the basis that you were a student. Unless you have authorised leave, you generally don’t get to keep your study permit canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/… I suspect if you try this it’s highly likely you’ll be denied entry on arrival
    – Traveller
    Commented Aug 28, 2022 at 16:20
  • 1
    @Traveller They have a tourist TRV, which should be different than their student visa, they want to make their entry on that TRV and not on that student visa Commented Aug 28, 2022 at 16:22
  • 1
    In Canada a study visa is just a tourist visa plus a study permit. The OP is trying to reuse the visa they got on the basis of being a student. Commented Aug 28, 2022 at 16:40
  • 1
    Yòur university can tell you how to inform immigration that you are no longer a student. Commented Aug 28, 2022 at 17:44

2 Answers 2


If you have a Multi Entry Canadian Temporary Residence Visa issued before you applied to be a student and still valid then you will probably be OK.

This means you were considered a valid visitor even before you were a student, and (assuming you followed the rules while a student) should mean you are still approved. However it is possible that applying for a student visa and then not following through may adversely affect your eligibility. Immigration are able to refuse you entry even if you have a visa. You should be prepared to explain the reason for your dropping out of college. Also make sure that you informed immrgration of the fact you stopped being a student.

You should make sure of the usual things - having a clear plan and reason for your visit, a ticket out of Canada, some bank statements proving you have money, and documents indicating you have permission to enter the country you will be departing Canada for.

The rest of this answer covers the case where your visa was only to enter as a student.

You were issued the Temporary Residence Visa on the basis that you were a student. Now you are not a student - the purpose of the visa is no longer valid, and so nor is the visa If you try to enter Canada you will be asked what the purpose of you visit is. (They will know you have dropped out of college so they know that's not the reason, and if you try to pretend it is you will be guilty of fraud.) If you have a really good reason for returning, and have a lot of documentation showing that you can afford to visit and have sufficient ties to your home country that you will unquestionably return then they may admit you. However the likelihood is they will not, despite the visa. Having failed to return to your home country decreases your chances.

Note: Canadian student visas are Temporary Residence Visas, i.e. the same visa a tourist would have, plus a permit allowing them to study. So the OP was not granted a visa for tourism, they were granted one for study.

  • Thank you so much for a detailed answer! Yes, I did receive my TRV completely separate for the purposes of tourism (I also have my sister living there, she's a citizen). I do have my Indian bank account statements that should prove my sufficiency. The only thing is, I haven't travelled back to my home country yet since I dropped. I'm an Indian citizen.
    – Ang
    Commented Aug 28, 2022 at 16:58
  • If I try to enter Canada now, let's say next month, and just enter on the basis of my completely separate TRV which is stamped on my Visa, would it be a problem? My passport has the student visa and this tourist visa (TRV) stamped
    – Ang
    Commented Aug 28, 2022 at 16:59
  • @AngelaGilhotra What was the premise for your TRV and when did you get it compared to the date you dropped out? Do you have a compelling reason to leave Canada after visiting your sister (such as a job)?
    – Traveller
    Commented Aug 28, 2022 at 17:14
  • 1
    @AngelaGilhotra Please edit all that information into the question. Also when does your non-student TRV expire? And how long before you applied for a study permit did you get the tourism TRV? Commented Aug 28, 2022 at 17:42
  • 1
    @AngelaGilhotra Ok, so not guaranteed entry to Mexico then. You should edit the info about your next destination into your question, including if you already have your visa for Mexico. Also, to answer your comment, remote work is not a tie. Are yoy effectively globe trotting as a digital nomad? Working remotely after entering as a tourist is still very often a complete no-no
    – Traveller
    Commented Aug 28, 2022 at 20:03

I flew out of Canada and haven't entered back in India -- does this matter? Entering India again? (It's been about 5 months since I dropped)

It matters. It shows that you have no real ties to India and no intentions of returning there.

I travelled to France, UAE and now I'll be flying back from UAE to Canada, and I hope on my tourist visa -- is that possible?

To be permitted to enter any country as a visitor you have to show that you don't intend to overstay your welcome and go back home. You have shown so far exactly the opposite, and in the same country you're seeking admission to.

The visa in your passport is not a guarantee to enter, even if the visa itself is still valid. It's just an approval to approach. You may apply to enter. But you still need to satisfy conditions of admission, and as said before - the main one is that you can show that the visit is in fact temporary.

I don't believe you can show that.

  • migrated from expats
    – littleadv
    Commented Aug 29, 2022 at 16:49
  • umm.. i can show my temporary stay by booking return tickets?
    – Ang
    Commented Aug 29, 2022 at 18:59
  • @Ang maybe. But given what you've described here I would not be surprised if you're denied entry. To Canada or anywhere else where you don't have unrestricted right to be.
    – littleadv
    Commented Aug 29, 2022 at 19:59
  • @Ang people who plan to stay permanently -- or at least longer than they're allowed -- sometimes book return tickets that they don't plan to use, and immigration officers are aware of this. Return tickets have little value, and by themselves they have almost none. They might be helpful as part of a comprehensive set of evidence, but the other evidence is likely to carry greater weight. Relying solely on the return tickets is unlikely to succeed. That said, not having entered India does not automatically disqualify you from returning to Canada.
    – phoog
    Commented Aug 29, 2022 at 20:08
  • +1 for "approval to approach." Commented Aug 29, 2022 at 22:38

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