I read on https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Visa_policy_of_South_Korea&oldid=966979960#Visa-free_entry:

On 13 April 2020, the South Korean government temporarily suspended its visa waiver agreement with 56+34 countries due to them suspending their visa waiver agreement with South Korean nationals. The suspension of visa free access to those nationals of the 56+34 countries [which include France] will last until the South Korean government can agree that the spread of Covid-19 is under control.

Can French citizens apply for a South Korean tourist visa with the ongoing COVID-19 travel restrictions that resulted in the South Korean government temporarily suspending its visa waiver agreement (which included France)?

  • You do understand that if you were able to get a tourist visa, you would be required to spend 14 days in managed quarantine on arrival in South Korea, right? Commented Aug 12, 2020 at 5:55
  • @JacobHorbulyk unless the policy has changed your statement is incorrect, see travel.stackexchange.com/a/157051/1810 what's your source? Commented Aug 12, 2020 at 7:45

1 Answer 1


From the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Singapore's webpage (mirror):

As of 09 April 2020 foreigners who need to enter Korea due to necessary reasons (excluding tourism) may apply for visa at our office in person. Interview may be conducted.

Therefore you can't apply for a Tourism Visa with the ongoing travel restrictions.

The suspension of Short-Term Visa and Visa Free Entry is still in effect. Visa requirements may change anytime. Consult the Republic of Korea Embassy in France for the most up-to-date information regarding visa's and travel restrictions.

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