The Great 5 Year Anniversary Bonanza

Our 5 year anniversary falls on the 28th of June this year, if we consider our birth date to be the date our public beta went live. Time to celebrate this Travel.SE style - with a competition!


For the whole month of June we will be running a bounty giveaway. Users sign up and agree to place and keep three bounties live during the entire month. In other words, each participant starts with three bounties on the 1st of June, and must end with three bounties on the 30th of June. Whenever a bounty is awarded or expire, it must be replaced by another bounty.

Mark created a chat event for the Bonanza. Participating users are advised to register for the event.

Each user adds an answer to this Meta post detailing which questions they have offered bounties on and the date (UTC). These will then be checked and validated by another user. The answer should look something like this:


Total number of bounties: 1

The answer should also be marked as community wiki to allow all users to validate the bounties (low reputation users can't edit non-community wiki answers without having to await review).

Winners and Prizes

At the end of the competition, the winners will be forever honoured in our hall of fame. We will try to award some prizes, in the form of reputation. We might even be able to give away some swag items, but can't promise anything as of now since that depends on the SE higher-ups.

Competition Tips

Finding a Bounty-Worthy Question

Not to worry. The final two weeks of May 2016 is for the "Great Flood of Bounty Worthy Questions", where we flood the site with incredibly wonderful questions that can be bountied. The winner of that mini-competition gets street-cred for creativity.

Still can't find any?

Not to worry. Any question will do. Answered, unanswered, old, new, whatever... As long as it's a real question that is half-way decent, you can put a bounty on it to bring it more attention. Remember, the big objective here is to have a bounty bonanza that attracts lots of new people from other SO sites who see what's on and think, "...hey! I can pick up some rep over on Travel by collecting a few bounties...". Maybe they will, maybe they won't, but perhaps a few will go on to become great TSE companions.

Don't have rep to spare for bounties?

Not to worry. If you want to participate but are struggling with reputation, see "finding a bounty worthy question" above. You can jump in and help by saving up some incredibly fascinating questions. Do you like to prospect for investment properties while travelling for leisure? Do you like to go ice-fishing in the Hudson Bay? Are you looking for a place to go bead-begging when the Mardi Gras is over? Did you ever think about wind-surfing down the Danube? Why is there a golf club next to Nuuk airport? Which parts of the underground city in Verona are open to the public? Put your thinking caps on!

Current Participants

│       Person        │ Bounties │
│ mts                 │   24     │
│ CMaster             │   18     │
│ Vince               │   18     │
│ Gayot Fow           │   16     │
│ Mark Mayo           │   15     │
│ Willeke             │   15     │
│ Heidel Ber Gensis   │   14     │
│ chx                 │   13     │
│ JoErNanO            │   13     │
│ Berwyn              │    7     │
│ Zach Lipton         │    4     │
│ T O T A L           │   157    │

Reputation spent on bounties

│       Person        │  Rep     │
│ CMaster             │   2600   │
│ mts                 │   2600   │
│ Gayot Fow           │   1900   │
│ Vince               │   1150   │
│ Heidel Ber Gensis   │   1150   │
│ JoErNanO            │   1100   │
│ Berwyn              │    850   │
│ Willeke             │    750   │
│ Mark Mayo           │    750   │
│ chx                 │    700   │
│ Zach Lipton         │    200   │
│ T O T A L           │  13750   │
  • 1
    what exactly is the "validated by" for? we check if the bounties are really there as claimed? if so then I have validated your first three bounties correctly
    – mts
    Commented Jun 1, 2016 at 14:38
  • @mts Exactly that.
    – JoErNanO Mod
    Commented Jun 1, 2016 at 14:39

11 Answers 11



Total number of bounties: 24


Mark Mayo

Total number of bounties: 15

  • 2
    All that rep, but bounties of only 50?
    – CMaster
    Commented Jun 6, 2016 at 9:27
  • 6
    Shrug, if we're counting ;)
    – Mark Mayo
    Commented Jun 6, 2016 at 12:02
  • 1
    UTC time people.. UTC ;) Commented Jun 23, 2016 at 0:53


Total number of bounties: 18



Total number of bounties: 18



Total number of bounties: 13


Zach Lipton

Total number of bounties: 4



Total number of bounties: 15



Total number of bounties: 16 for 1,900 points total


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