This story is from January 20, 2023

“My husband’s loud snoring is INTOLERABLE”

We got married just a month ago and it was an arranged marriage. We both obviously did not know so many things about each other. One of the main problems for me that I never expected was that my husband snores too much and talks loudly in his sleep. This has become unbearable for me.
“My husband’s loud snoring is INTOLERABLE”
Query: We got married just a month ago and it was an arranged marriage. We both obviously did not know so many things about each other. One of the main problems for me that I never expected was that my husband snores too much and talks loudly in his sleep. This has become unbearable for me. I told him that I cannot sleep and I even spoke to his mother about it but their response was that it is very natural and he has no control over it! I know he can visit the ENT and I even suggested but my husband does not seem to give a damn about it.I am a working woman and I am not getting any sleep, I have become a zombie… This is very troublesome and I cannot ignore this… Please help, how do I convince him?
Expert advice by Vishal Bhardwaj, Founder and Relationship Coach, Predictions For Success:
An estimated 45 percent of adults snore occasionally, while 25 percent snore regularly; although the numbers make it look like a common issue, it’s very frustrating for your partner. And though many believe that you can get habitual of it, it just worsens with age. If not properly taken care of, it can create huge space and frustration between relationships because the person snoring feels that he/she doesn’t have any control so it’s not their fault while the other feels why she/he is suffering without their own mistake.
Good sleep is mandatory for every human and especially for working professionals with high mental stress already in their lives. You are right about raising this issue, However, you have to understand that it’s something that your husband has no control over and only a professional with patience can help. You should encourage your husband to visit the ENT, and while they go through the medication, you can use ear plugs and other related products in the market as suggested by the expert itself.
NOTE: If you will discourage or he will feel humiliated, it will create more fear of this issue in his mind which will further push him away from taking expert help.
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