This story is from December 13, 2021

Here is what you need to do after a failed IVF session

Whether it is your first or the fourth failed fertility treatment, it is not easy to handle the emotional roller coaster ride.
Here is what you need to do after a failed IVF session
A couple opts for In-vitro fertilization (IVF) after attempting all tried and tested methods to get pregnant. Even when the IVF process does not turn out to be successful, disappointment is quite obvious. Whether it is your first or the fourth failed fertility treatment, it is not easy to handle the emotional roller coaster ride. But success and failures are a part of life and the same happens in the case of the IVF process.
Some couples are lucky enough to conceive in the first chance, while others have to face failed treatment, leading to anger, frustration, hopelessness and despair. A failed IVF is not the end of the world. There are several options to get pregnant again with the right guidance and treatment.
What leads to a failed treatment
Before looking for other options to get pregnant after a failed treatment, it is essential to know what leads to an unsuccessful IVF. Having details about you and your partner's health conditions and pregnancy can help to take appropriate measures.
In the case of an embryo transfer, the IVF fails due to embryo implantation failure. It is hard to find out if it is due to a problem with the embryos or a problem with the uterus. Most experts believe that it is due to embryos. Here are a few other things your doctor might discuss before looking for other options.
What went wrong: Identifying what went wrong in your treatment can help to take appropriate steps and increase the success rate.
What are the odds for success in the next attempt: Sometimes the chances of getting pregnant on the second try is as high as the first one while other times it may decrease. So, it is essential to know about the success rate before spending money.
Any possible risks: Your doctor may also evaluate the risk of sticking to the same treatment or look for other options to conceive successfully.

What needs to be done: The doctor may prescribe some testing and may suggest some lifestyle changes for a successful pregnancy.
What are the other options to become parents?
Coping with a failed fertility treatment is not easy. It can take a toll on your mental well-being and finances. It is obvious to feel frustrated after a failed IVF treatment, but there are many ways to become parents. Based on your health condition, your doctor may suggest any one option.
Another attempt at IVF: In IVF treatment a person may require more than one attempt to get pregnant. Only a few lucky ones conceive for the first time. Before going for the second IVF treatment the doctor may prescribe some tests for you and your partner to look for any condition that may hinder the fertility treatment. They may also suggest lifestyle changes that can increase the chances of getting pregnant. If everything goes fine they may advise you to go for another IVF.
Third-party donor: If there is any problem with the eggs, then the doctor may advise you to go for a third-party egg donor. It is mostly recommended to women with inadequate, or non-viable, eggs. In this eggs are procured from donors after the screening. Third-party donors are generally under 30 and have healthy eggs.
Surrogacy: Some women cannot fertilize embryos for some reason. That's when surrogacy is the last option. It can be due to a failed embryo implantation or repeated miscarriages. A surrogate is not directly linked with the embryo. They are just gestational carriers, who carry the embryo for you and your partner for nine months.
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