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Jukka Suomela's user avatar
Jukka Suomela's user avatar
Jukka Suomela
  • Member for 14 years
  • Last seen more than a week ago
177 votes

Symbols instead of numbers as footnote markers

143 votes

LaTeX template for resume/curriculum vitae

136 votes

What's the quickest way to write "2nd" "3rd" etc in LaTeX?

128 votes

Remove ugly borders around clickable cross-references and hyperlinks

122 votes

How to cite chapter in book?

100 votes

How can I make an enumerate list start at something other than 1?

99 votes

Fonts larger than \Huge?

72 votes

How to change font size for bibliography?

52 votes

Fonts larger than \Huge?

52 votes

Included PNG appears blurry in PDF

51 votes

How do you cite conference proceedings?

45 votes

Avoiding jumping frames in beamer

44 votes

What are the differences between latexmk and rubber?

40 votes

Why are some pages in my PDF coming out bold?

37 votes

Which graphics formats can be included in documents processed by LaTeX or PDFLaTeX?

35 votes

What's the difference between \newcommand and \newcommand*?

34 votes

How to create posters using LaTeX

32 votes

Delta-like symbol in LaTeX

30 votes

What is the practical difference between latex and pdflatex?

26 votes

Adding a "minimum" vertical space

20 votes

Style/class tutorials

18 votes
Accepted remove borders around hyperlinks

16 votes

Keeping tables/figures close to where they are mentioned

16 votes

Downsides of using \par instead of two new lines

16 votes

Why words with accented characters can't be automatic hyphenated with the default OT1 enconding?

16 votes

I want to start using LaTeX on Mac OS X. Where do I start?

16 votes

Why does my conference/university require me to use DVI intermediary format?

15 votes

Beamer and Natbib

14 votes

What are the differences between the many LaTeX versions available for OS X?

14 votes

Is there a nice solution to get a "presenter mode" for Latex presentations?