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5 votes

List of Definitions, List of Theorems, List of Examples, and List of Activities with Kaobook

kaobook would classify this request as user-customisation. So basically, you roll your own. There are various ways. Here, a KOMA-script version is shown as proof-of-concept, for one item, the remark. ...
Cicada's user avatar
  • 10.2k
4 votes

Use of \thedots@ doesn't match its definition. Problem with the French package

French and/or physics amsmath seem to be upsetting bm. However without delving too deeply in to why you can protect \bm with extra braces, you get no error from \renewcommand{\vb}[1]{{\bm{#1}}} A ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
4 votes

How do I set a paper size other than A4 in the kaobook package?

Update Recent versions of the template support a class option to change the paper size. For example, to use the B5 format, load the class with the 'b5paper' option, like so: \documentclass[b5paper]{...
Federico Marotta's user avatar
3 votes

How to define a \citewithabstract in kaobook to print BibLaTeX "abstract" content in the Bibliography chapter

If you put the abstract information in a field called note, it will be printed with the citation. For instance: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{filecontents} \usepackage[style=apa, backend=biber]{...
BlueIris's user avatar
  • 339
3 votes

How to adjust margins in Kaobook?

Kaobook's documentation explains how to change the page's margins at section 6.5 "Page Layout" (page 30 at the moment). Put this code before the beginning of the document and change the ...
Lucas Mirloup's user avatar
3 votes

Make `exercises` package compatible with `kaobook`

According to the most recent version of tasks, the counter-format key is deprecated. For roman numerals use label=\roman*. instead. Normally \; inserts a horizontal space of 0.2777em. The tipx package ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
  • 25.7k
3 votes

Use of \thedots@ doesn't match its definition. Problem with the French package

I recommend not using physics. Anyway, it is not directly related to physics, but it's an interaction with amsmath. Here's a more minimal example: \documentclass[]{book} \usepackage[french]{babel} \...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.1m
3 votes

Can I remove the side column in kaobook template?

Add to the preamble: %%***************************************************** added \renewcommand{\mainmatter}{% \oldmainmatter% \pagestyle{scrheadings}% Use a fancy style for the header and ...
Simon Dispa's user avatar
  • 39.6k
2 votes

Issue with kaobook class

Some LaTeX editors occasionally produce unhelpful messages. The actual, full error message from the code in the question is as follows: ! Undefined control sequence. \@publishers ->1\up ...
Marijn's user avatar
  • 38.9k
2 votes

Vertical line next to example environment changes indentation of itemize and enumerate lists

Using \usepackage{styles/mdftheorems}; adding to your MWE \newmdenv[ style=kaoboxstyle, backgroundcolor=Cyan!15!White, frametitlebackgroundcolor=Cyan!15!White, ]{objective} and correcting \...
Simon Dispa's user avatar
  • 39.6k
2 votes

Custom example environment with colorbox and vertical line for `kaobook` document class

Let me know if this is what you are looking for. It also supports breaking the box across multiple pages. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[skins,hooks,xparse,breakable]{...
Alan Xiang's user avatar
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2 votes

Creating custom abstract environment

I don't have the kaobook class but below I used scrbook which you said was the basis for kaobook. The following revises your secabstract environment to set text in italics. % abstractprob.tex SE ...
Peter Wilson's user avatar
  • 28.3k
2 votes

KOMA-script scrbook with single, unnumbered chapter

Use the \counterwithout directive: \documentclass{scrbook} \usepackage{mwe} \counterwithout{section}{chapter} \counterwithout{figure}{chapter} \begin{document} \mainmatter \section{Introduction} We ...
Bernard's user avatar
  • 273k
2 votes

`Package floatrow Error: Caption(s) lost.` using `kaobook`, related to `center` environment

This could have been demonstrated using article and floatrow it isn't related to the non standard kaobook class other than that uses floatrow. As more or less described in section 1.2 of the floatrow ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
2 votes

How to use kaobook with French babel and keep the original bulleted list style?

There are various ways to customize the French language settings using babel. The main command to setup things is \frenchsetup. To undo the list modifications you can use the setting: \frenchsetup{...
Alan Munn's user avatar
  • 220k
2 votes

Is there a proper way to put `\fillin[]` inside `align` environment in the LaTeX `exam` class?

These are by no means errors. The Overleaf editor is instructed to mark cases where there are $ signs inside a known math display environment. The text you give in brackets is the correct answer and \...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.1m
1 vote

Why have certain characters disappeared?

The kaobook class is quite inflexible in the choice of fonts. It will use Libertinus with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX and NewPX with pdflatex (I'm not sure why different fonts). If you really want to use ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.1m
1 vote

Fix font size by using kaobook.cls

as always, tex points are pt (1/72.27 in), pdf/postscript points are bp (1/72 in) the class has \RequirePackage[scaled=.97,helvratio=.93,p,theoremfont]{newpxtext} % Serif palatino font so you get the ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
1 vote

How do I change the main kaobook font to the default LaTeX font?

While waiting for a better answer to this, you might delete (or comment) \RequirePackage[scaled=.97,helvratio=.93,p,theoremfont]{newpxtext} or change it to \RequirePackage[]{lmodern}
fqs's user avatar
  • 56
1 vote

Pandoc kaobook sidenote issue

I don't know if this is the best solution. I inserted this command on my tex file and it's working now: \usepackage{sidenotes} \let\footnote=\sidenote
Britto's user avatar
  • 113
1 vote

In the kaobook class template, I've managed to add a subsubsection; but what do I have to do for showing subsubsections in kaobook side TOC?

The kaobook class does not define the entries for the subsubsections when the ToC margin is used. To do so requires redefining the rather long \magintoc command. (1) \margintoc will insert the local ...
Simon Dispa's user avatar
  • 39.6k
1 vote

How to put two logos on the same line, opposite sides of page, on top of watermark?

Try this simplified example. Use \titlehead{% \includegraphics[height=2.7cm,keepaspectratio]{logo1.jpg}\hfill\includegraphics[height=5cm,keepaspectratio]{logo2.png} } and \SetWatermarkText{\tikz{\...
Simon Dispa's user avatar
  • 39.6k
1 vote

Error in kaobook style - undefined control sequence

I downloaded the kaobook class from the link you provided and all accompanying files. The main.tex file included in the minimal_report directory will compile fine (except for the missing file report-...
Simon Dispa's user avatar
  • 39.6k
1 vote

Center subcaption in kaobook

Thanks to P.M. for pointing me to pointing to the \captionsetup. The solution works but there a slight differences in the font size of the subcaption. To solve this issue one can define a caption ...
1 vote

How to adjust margins in Kaobook?

You can set the geometry like that: \geometry{ a4paper, top=2cm, bottom=4cm, inner=2.5cm, textwidth=\hpll*\real{107}, marginparsep=\hpll*\real{8.2}, marginparwidth=\hpll*\...
DG''s user avatar
  • 22k
1 vote

Renaming ToC, Lof, etc in a koma-script variance

the problem solved! for future reference, the issue was caused by the hack \RequirePackage{ifthen} \ifthenelse{\equal{\default@lang}{greek}}% { \RequirePackage[nonumeralsign]{xgreek} \...
Yorgos's user avatar
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