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Questions tagged [pandoc-citeproc]

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Extracting bibliography from Word document using pandoc-citeproc (or citeproc)

I have someone who wrote an entire book in a Word document. Now I have to edit it. So I decided to go with LaTeX. However, the book has about 400 references, and, you guessed it, there is no .bib file....
Louis's user avatar
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Undefined control sequence using citeproc to convert MD to PDF with a template. Works fine without template

I am writing a document in markdown with inline citations [@ref]. References are stored in a separate biblatex file managed with betterbibtex and zotero. I am then using pandoc to render this to PDF ...
airj's user avatar
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Reference citation in latex block in pandoc

In my markdown document I have a complex latex table with a caption, in which I would like to add a reference. The table can be seen below... \begin{table}[ht] \captionof{table}{Some complex table \...
thehayro's user avatar
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citeproc-lua for individual CSL style? Need help on setup

my university has its own (I know stupid) ciation style, for which they provide a csl file to be used with zotero. Does anyone have similar regulations to follow at their university and maybe could ...
poebelchen's user avatar
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citeproc-lua prevent hyphenating the urls in references

I use citeproc-lua with texstudio in Windows 11. I have used apa csl style provided with the package citation-style-language as example here, but I have to use american-medical-association csl style ...
Hemang's user avatar
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Overlay specification in beamer with a pause

This is similar to this question; however I am using pause, and not only. I would like to continue using pause. I read through this, which is helpful. I think the issue is related to this and this. My ...
Paul's user avatar
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Pandoc with --citeproc ignores \cite commands

In short: is there any way to use citeproc with "pure" LaTeX bibliographical commands? Longer version: in the following markdown file, the [@Test] "native" pandoc command is ...
Clément's user avatar
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Pandoc citeproc not recognizting pnfmt{}

Situation: I'm converting from .tex to .docx (for collaboration purposes...) using pandoc. Because I use a lot of citations with "emphasis added" (using authordate) I am using pnfmt{}to ...
Scharlatan's user avatar
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Pandoc Latex to word References

The conversion from Latex (tex file prepared using elsarticle class) to word (docx) using pandoc is working fine however I am not getting the references at all (not within the text neither at the end ...
Jack's user avatar
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Can Pandoc be used with Overleaf? Are there any other programs that converts between all kinds of markup formats?

Can Pandoc be used with Overleaf? Are there any other programs that converts between all kinds of markup formats? I use Linux and Overleaf editor.
Pramathesh Nandan's user avatar
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Format for targeting Word and LaTeX?

I'm writing a thesis, currently I have the introductory and concluding chapters in LaTeX, and all the chapters inserted in between with \includepdf (as exported from Microsoft Word). LaTeX is far ...
Samuel Marks's user avatar
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How to add Windows file path to .bib entry? (pandoc)

Question How would one add Windows file path with possible backslashes, underscores and spaces, such as C:\My_fancy\document path\document.docx to a .bib entry? I am using pandoc with pandoc-citeproc ...
Niko Fohr's user avatar
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How to handle multiple citations with multiple pages using a bib file?

Using R markdown, I'm duplicating citations in my bib file to cite the same entry using different pages: @article{devers_2011_34, title = {I know how to do the play now: A Part of Willy Loman in ...
simohamed's user avatar
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How do I use pandoc --filter pandoc-citeproc with biblatex' filtering capacity?

I would like to use pandoc to produce a Word document filtering some bibliographic entries. The following LaTeX code produced in TeXShop filters properly. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{...
spindoctor's user avatar
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Is interdocument referencing possible with pandoc and LaTeX?

More of a theory question I suppose. Say I have 3 documents - story1, story2, storyBible. Each document renders to PDF fine, and they're all valid documents that bookdown (and thereforepandoc, pandoc-...
hoobydooby's user avatar

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