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Questions tagged [knitr]

knitr is an R package for dynamic report generation based on the concept of literate programming.

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Inconsistent Page Numbering Behavior in LaTeX Across Versions

I am experiencing an issue with page numbering when compiling an Rnw file using different versions of LaTeX. Here's a summary of the problem: Older LaTeX Version (MiKTeX-pdfTeX 2.9.6499): First page: ...
Yorgos's user avatar
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Set global options for all R code chunks and plots throughout LaTeX document

Making a couple of R plots in my LaTeX document on Overleaf. Every R plot is being placed inside of a figure environment: \begin{figure}[h] \centering <<>>= curve(dnorm(x)) @ \caption{...
BeBlunt's user avatar
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How to include result values in a LaTeX document?

We are often in the following situation: a lengthy (data analysis) computation spits out a bunch of result values. Imagine a Python or script or an R script doing some resource intensive calculations. ...
lumbric's user avatar
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TinyTex from RStudio Rmarkdown knitting to pdf. "Approximately" sign in ggplot annotate throws error

Reproducible example: require(ggplot2) myggplot <- ggplot(data.frame(x=1:2, y=1:2), aes(x=x,y=y)) + geom_point() z <- 16.9 myggplot <- myggplot + annotate(geom="text", x= 1.5, ...
Reader 123's user avatar
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How to use Sweave (knitr) with LuaLaTex?

This is a duplicate of this 5 year old question, because the answers there don't work (for me). Has someone managed to get knitr for Sweave documents (not RMarkdown) running with LuaLaTex as an engine?...
abeeisnotabug's user avatar
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Add greek letter in column header kable and add %-sign in rowname

I had some questions when making a table using kable in Rmarkdown. My output has to be a pdf document, so my header is the following: output: pdf_document: latex_engine: xelatex ...
Marie's user avatar
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Wrong output format while running knitr script in TeXworks

I wanted to use knitr with my TeXworks install and am noticing a weird issue. I followed the tutorial as described by Yihui here which worked fine. Now suppose my filename is untitled-12.tex and it ...
DeBARtha's user avatar
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Signature image and date on same line hfill not working and wrapping into new line

I am trying to prefill the signature and date on a document as follows. Everything looks right, except the date wraps into new line instead of sitting on the same line as the signature image. What am ...
Gopala's user avatar
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knitr - function that works both in \Sexpr and in code-chunks

I try to learn knitr. knitr lets you nest snippets of "inline-code" written in the language R between \Sexpr{...}. knitr lets you nest "code-chunks" written in the language R ...
Ulrich Diez's user avatar
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How to use Latex with knitr on online editor

I am having troubles with R code. I want to write my bachelor's thesis and I do it in R. Since I am using R, I use knitr package & format and I also use Overleaf as editor + .tex (LaTeX) code, not ...
Darian Voda's user avatar
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R - Escaping a character from the BEST package for tikzDevice

I try to modify some plot output from the R BEST package with the help of the package tikzDevice. However, apparently tikzDevice can not proceed due to a parameter with a percent sign ("% HDI&...
17757970's user avatar
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Error in the code after loading a library in an R code

I have been writing a code in RStudio and using TinyTex to compile my pdf. I wrote the following code in an RSweave file in RStudio: \documentclass[12 pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \...
Devansh Kamra's user avatar
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How can I mark a portion of R code to be bold in Latex output?

Rmarkdown YAML output: pdf_document: latex_engine: xelatex classoption: x11names documentclass: article header-includes: - \PassOptionsToPackage{x11names}{xcolor} - \usepackage{eso-pic,...
bob0901's user avatar
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How do I adjust these texts dynamically depending on length of name?

The following code \documentclass{article} \usepackage{eso-pic,graphicx} \usepackage[absolute,overlay]{textpos} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Segoe UI Symbol} \usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, ...
bob0901's user avatar
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How do I assign these variables from Rmarkdown? [duplicate]

I have variables that are going to be dynamic in this document. How do I assign theme from Rmarkdown. Below is how my .tex file looks like So for example $District_Name$ is a dynamic variable. I want ...
bob0901's user avatar
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