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Questions tagged [kerning]

{kerning} is the process of adjusting the spacing between characters in a proportional font, usually to achieve a visually pleasing result.

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Wrong spacing with math mode inside sl in plain TeX

Here is a minimal example of a problem I encounter sometimes: {\sl Let $\cal U$ be} \bye In the output U is much closer to "Let" than to "be". Is there an equivalent to the italic ...
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Allow Line Breaking Without Affecting Kerning

I'm trying to get LaTeX to allow a line break after an ellipsis. The problem is that, when I type \allowbreak after \ldots, the kerning between the ellipsis and the next immediate character is messed ...
User23456234's user avatar
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How to change space between all letters?

I want to change the default spacing between all letters in the document to be a little bigger. That is I want to be able to manually choose how far apart all letters should be. Should I change the ...
curry's user avatar
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How do I adjust kerning in my section macros

How do I insert \textls in my section macros to apply the kerning defined in my \microtype command? \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{titlesec} \usepackage[tracking = true, letterspace = 100]...
curry's user avatar
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Expanded Letter Space Kerning Algorithm Not Working with French Accents

Consider the code \documentclass{book} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{scalerel} \usepackage{scalefnt} % Spaceout Algorithm \def\theLetterSpace{0.5pt} \def\theWordSpace{1.5\LocalLetterSpace} \...
DDS's user avatar
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Italic maths in italic text, inconsistent spacing?

Consider the following example \documentclass{article} %\usepackage{lua-visual-debug} \begin{document} \Huge \textit{I I $I$ I I} %\showlists \end{document} It produces five italic ...
JoJoModding's user avatar
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How can I consistently adjust kerning within and outside of subscripts?

I want to define a macro that shows an array access in a language like in C or Java. My first try looked like this: \newcommand{\accessI}[2]{#1\left[#2\right]} \[ \accessI{a}{i} \] I didn't like this ...
user1512263's user avatar
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How do I define a macro that depends on the height of an argument?

I'd like to write a macro that surrounds an argument with two round parentheses which are correctly sized to the argument. Currently I'm using the following macro, \newcommand{\inpl}[1]{{\left(\kern-....
Gautam Chaudhuri's user avatar
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Reduce the space between letter "f" and subscript that follows for Asana-Math (unicode-math)

Following the second part of this answer, I'm trying to do the similar thing for Asana-Math: reducing the space between letter "f" and the subscript that follows. However, my modified ...
Jinwen's user avatar
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Minor adjustment to math font kerning with unicode-math

I would like to use KpMath as my main math font, but also to use the letters and numbers from usual Palatino to match my main text. For this purpose, I replaced the letters and numbers from the font ...
Jinwen's user avatar
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Excessive space after italicized abbreviation

I often encounter the appearance of excessive space after an italicized abbreviation. In the example below, the first block of text yields too much space between the italicized abbreviation 2 Clem. ...
Charles's user avatar
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How to globally redefine kerning of \prime only when it encounters a left delimiter in math mode?

Here's my MWE: % !TEX program = lualatex \documentclass[preview,border={5mm 2.5mm 5mm 0mm},varwidth]{standalone} \usepackage{mathtools} \usepackage[warnings-off={mathtools-colon,mathtools-overbracket}]...
Farrel Ahmed's user avatar
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Kerning for German «Guillemets» automatically input by csquotes

Kindly consider this MWE: %!TeX program = lualatex \documentclass{article} \usepackage[shorthands=off,main=ngerman,english]{babel} \usepackage{cochineal} \usepackage[german = guillemets]{csquotes} ...
Ingmar's user avatar
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Why does LaTeX neither break at nor hyphenate after a "user kern"?

When using the \kern command for user-defined kerns or the \, shorthand for small non-breaking spaces, this expands to a "userkern" node. At such nodes LaTeX doesn't break the line and the ...
keth-tex's user avatar
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Is there a way to add italic correction at the end of inline math?

I would like to add italic correction at the end of inline math, depending on the italic correction of the last math character. Here is a MWE showing why I would like to have that: %! TEX program = ...
red_trumpet's user avatar

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