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Palatino kerning issue

There are a number of digital versions of Palatino: Palatino LT Pro, Book Antiqua, TeX Gyre Pagella, Domitian and FPL Neu. In a number of these (which include the version I am using) there is a ...
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How to change space between all letters?

I want to change the default spacing between all letters in the document to be a little bigger. That is I want to be able to manually choose how far apart all letters should be. Should I change the ...
curry's user avatar
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3 answers

Lato font not separating letters ft and ti

I am using the Lato font for a document, but whenever the letters "ft" and "ti" are next to eachother, this font cannot separate the characters. When doing a copy-paste of the word ...
user227689's user avatar
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Problem with custom font feature for addition kerning in OpenType font

I try to add some custom kerning to an OpenType font used with fontspec under lualatex. The real-world example uses the Brill fonts, but as they are not part of TeX Live I use Libertinus in the ...
Martin's user avatar
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Kerning ligatures with font-feature in luatex

Manipulating fonts is somewhat daunting, and usually too much for me, so I restrict myself to a few things. I use Duffner's EB Garamond -- his original version from his website. I'm a bit puzzled by ...
Kubo's user avatar
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nth root kerning problem with unicode-math font override

I am using both \mathscr and \mathcal to different meanings and expecting different characters to appear. I recently switched to XeTeX and started using new fonts (TeX Gyre Pagella in this example) ...
Louen's user avatar
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10 votes
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Adjusting kerning with LuaTeX and realscripts

I'm using the realscript package to get true super- and subscripts with LuaLaTex. However I'm not pleased with kerning of superscripts with the font I'm using, Linux Libertine. I've tried to adjust ...
junius's user avatar
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Alegreya font kerning problems

I have a question, whether there is some possibility to adjust kerning around some specific symbols without caring what symbols will be written next. Also, could I possibly adjust kerning only for ...
liolliokas's user avatar
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Why does kerning work with LuaLaTex but not XeLaTex for the same font? [closed]

Consider the following MWE: \documentclass[varwidth]{standalone} \usepackage{ifluatex} \usepackage{ifxetex} \usepackage{metalogo} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Bembo}[BoldFont = Bembo Bold] \...
bev's user avatar
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Combine kerning, small caps, and tracking in luatex

As is known, luatex requires the fontspec option Renderer = Basic in order to display small caps when microtype's tracking = true is used. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[tracking = true]{...
Sverre's user avatar
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14 votes
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Kerning and ligatures in TeX without TeX

I am trying to get the same output as in this answer by topskip (an extended version with comments is presented in the TeX without TeX article). I am getting a paragraph consisting of 6 lines with ...
Malipivo's user avatar
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How to kern small caps with italics or regular characters?

Theoretical question Why are small caps and italics of the same typeface treated as if they were absolutely different (and, as a consequence, they aren't properly kerned)? I know no —so to speak— «...
Ludenticus's user avatar
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LuaLaTeX, fontspec, .ttc fonts and kerning (Optima on Mac OS)

I'm probably missing something obvious. I'm using MacTeX 2014. I want to use the font Optima that ships with the Mac OS (10.8.5) -- it is a .ttc font. If I typeset the following TeX file I get no ...
sgmoye's user avatar
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Can one kern math font euler.otf using lualatex and fontspec?

I am at it again... :) Using the font, can one kern distance between T and P with Lualatex? Clearly, my attempt does not work... Could ...
jonalv's user avatar
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After updating to MacTeX 2013, font size and kerning of Monotype Corsiva are strange

I knew I probably shouldn't have upgraded, being not very experienced, I always have to wade through strange errors. However, this is really weird. Here's my example: %!TEX TS-program = lualatex %!...
Thorsten's user avatar
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