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Questions tagged [fontsize]

{fontsize} is about selecting a document's standard font size (with class options like 12pt), changing relative font sizes within a document (with macros like \small or \large), and defining or modifying {macros} related to font sizes.

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Memoir: Centering a page title after changing the size via `size10.clo`

I'm designing the title page of a memoir document. My document is using 12pt font, and I'm using some title templates/macros that uses internally \Large, \Small and that expect my page title to be in ...
tobiasBora's user avatar
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How to change text font to Helvetica for figure captions only [duplicate]

I am writing a journal in LaTeX in IEEE format. When I make a figure captions it is the same font as the rest of the document (Times). However, I want all the figure captions to be of type Helvetica ...
Carl's user avatar
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Larger concrete fonts

The concrete roman font designed by D. Knuth is a lovely one. I am looking for a way for it to be larger. The current header I have is as follows \documentclass[15pt]{article} \usepackage[margin=1in]{...
Student's user avatar
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Commands \tiny, etc. invalid in math mode, but not so

We know that \tiny, \scriptsize, etc. are text font macros, and we are notified when using them in math mode: LaTeX Font Warning: Command \tiny invalid in math mode on input line ... Nevertheless, ...
Denis Bitouzé's user avatar
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tabularx inside `small` produces underfull hbox

I have a table implemented with tabularx and I want all the text inside my table to be "small". Putting the tabularx inside a small environment seems to work just fine, except it produces a ...
Seub's user avatar
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Font size: small/tiny/...relative to the current font size

I took some templates/macros that use \Large/\small... to configure the font size of my title page. The problem is that when I change the font size of the rest of the document using \documentclass[...
tobiasBora's user avatar
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On importing a tikz picture including node and a large font feature into a tex file

I have a standalone tikzpicture described as below which works well: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{anyfontsize} \newcommand{\bigfont}{\usefont{T1}{cmr}{m}{n}\fontsize{100}{\...
Aria's user avatar
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What is the leading for different font sizes?

I'm doing some picky adjustments to vertical space, so as to make sure lines of text stay in alignment after various skips in vertical space (e.g. I'm adjusting any vertical skips to be multiples of ...
Phineas Greene's user avatar
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Locally change the scale of the chosen (mono) font without specifying its name?

Suppose a custom class which, thanks to package titlesec, prints the sections titles in uppercase. Suppose now the user of this class wants the mono font to be Scale = MatchLowercase. If a section ...
Denis Bitouzé's user avatar
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Make number size match in page header

I want to achieve page headers that are lowercase small capitals. MWE below: \documentclass{scrbook} \usepackage[automark]{scrlayer-scrpage} \addtokomafont{pageheadfoot}{\normalfont\scshape} \ohead{\...
Thomas Flinkow's user avatar
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Set size of an icon within a minipage | FontAwesome5

Firstly, I would like to say my 'problem' is not primordial nor important. Just the fact that I see it and I can't get it out of my mind... Like a bit of chalk on a board, not important but bothersome....
Louis Margot's user avatar
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How to increase the size of a font

I'm writing a document with Adobe Caslon Pro and I get the impression that words are a little bit smaller than what I get with Times New Roman, for instance. Any idea of how to increase the height of ...
domi's user avatar
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How to set font size in Latex table?

I have the following table with column linewidth. I want to set the font size of the table to some specific value. Several suggestions say that a code like p{0.4in} will work. I tried p{0.18\linewidth}...
PS Nayak's user avatar
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Font size does not change in LaTeX [closed]

I am trying to change the font size for a latex document with a table, but it does not seem to work. I have tried document classes "book" and "article". Here is my code \...
euler132's user avatar
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Reducing caption font size

I would like to see the caption font (and caption label too) with size that is smaller than in whole document. I`ve tried some solutions from SE (Font size of Figure Caption Header), e.g.: \usepackage[...
Alexander's user avatar
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How to fix this logo in \tiny size?

I wish to design such a logo that works with different font sizes, just like \LaTeX. Here is my current code: \documentclass{article} \makeatletter \RequirePackage{xcolor} \RequirePackage{graphicx} \...
Jinwen's user avatar
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A math-font-size-knowledgeable \raisebox

I would like to some symbols lower than others in a math formula, without size change, for example \def\abcd#1#2{\left[\raisebox{-.4em}{{\ensuremath{#1}}}\kern-.3em\setminus\kern-.2em#2\right]} $\abcd{...
yannis's user avatar
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Font size options do not work in tufte-latex

The `Tufte-latex' classes default to 10pt type, and do not appear to recognize font size options: MWE \documentclass[12pt]{tufte-handout} \usepackage{lipsum} \defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text} ...
crmdgn's user avatar
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New environment for colored and small font-size

I am looking for a way to define a new environment in LaTeX that allows me to quickly write certain text passages in an altered way, such as smaller font-size and different color. What i'm ...
Zest's user avatar
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Changing section heading font size without titlesec nor sectsty

Many questions (e.g. 59726 67336 1455 59726) address the issue of how to change font attributes in section (and subsections etc). All of the ones I've seen end up requiring packages such as titlesec ...
Yul Otani's user avatar
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Why the size of this math expression is not increasing?

It seems I'm missing something here. Question: Why the font size of the second math expression below is not increasing - and how can we make it display in larger font? It's displaying both the first ...
nam's user avatar
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Getting exact font sizes with relsize

I'm fine-tuning the presentation of a book written using XeLaTeX, ready to send to the printers. The book has lots of tables which are all formatted in the same way. In one, column headings are just ...
richard's user avatar
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fontsize package changes indent of first line in paragraphs?

Take the LaTeX source below: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontsize} %\setlength{\parindent}{1.5em} \begin{document} \section*{Section} First paragraph. Second paragraph. \end{document} ...
Artecat's user avatar
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How to change the fontsize of footnote's number (not the fontsize of footnote)? [duplicate]

I need to change the fontsize of footnote's number (not the fontsize of footnote), see attachment. I try to find the answer but failed. Give me a help! John
John's user avatar
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Styling lstinline separately from listings in preamble?

I use pandoc, so I'm a bit limited in the tex hacks I can apply. However, here is an example: I have this document,, in pandoc Markdown: --- listings: true # see also https://stackoverflow....
sdbbs's user avatar
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How to draw nicely nested integrals?

I would like to draw nested integrals such as in \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \renewcommand{\d}[1]{\ensuremath{\operatorname{d}\!{#1}}} \begin{document} \[ x_0 = \int_{-1}^{1} g(t) \d ...
Colas's user avatar
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Inkscape Latex renderer fontsize doesn't match text

I want to render Latex equations in my Inkscape drawing with Extensions → Render → Latex. I want to render them directly at a specific fontsize for consistency and to match the fontsize to the figure ...
clemisch's user avatar
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How to make the caption font size bigger with "\adjustbox"?

I want to make the font size of a table's caption bigger. I usually do it with no issues. However, this time I can't make it work with "\adjustbox". This is what I have: \documentclass[11pt]{...
Rollo99's user avatar
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How can I increase the global font size past 20pt? [duplicate]

\documentclass[20pt]{extarticle} \usepackage{lipsum} \begin{document} \lipsum* \end{document} I would like to set the font size to something like 30, but it looks like 20 is the highest for ...
Sai's user avatar
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Font Scale Problem on Some Characters

I am editing a template of OverLeaf, everything is well however, there is a weird problem with the font. The character "8" seems bigger with "\small" and "\footnotesize" ...
Faruk UNAL's user avatar
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How to change fontsize within a longtable using revtex4-2?

I would like to change the font size within a longtable using the revtex document class. Could you please help me how to reach this goal? It is not a problem if the solution requires modifications in ...
TobiR's user avatar
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change figure caption size doesn't work

I am using this code (metropolis) . Whatever I used in order to change the figure caption size, doesn't work. \documentclass[10pt] {beamer} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage {graphicx, ...
George's user avatar
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Changing the caption font and line spacing at the same time

I am currently trying to change the font size as well as the line spacing within the captions of my document and am attempting this by using the setspace and caption packages. As the line spacing as ...
Charlotte's user avatar
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How do I change the page number size after a certain page number?

I use LaTeX to typeset my notes. At the beginning of each document, I have the following code which makes a duck at the bottom of the page holding a sign with the page number on it: \documentclass[...
Austin Shiner's user avatar
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Inconsistent Line Spacing When Changing the Font Size in a Verse Environment

I have noticed that when I want to change the font size in a verse environment from the default, the spacing between the last two lines in a stanza is adversely affected. For example, in the following ...
DDS's user avatar
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Enlarge text size for a portion of a document [closed]

For the following code, I would like to make the text in the table larger (say increase the font size by 4pt), but not have it affect any other text in the rest of the document. \usepackage{multicol} \...
Philippe Knecht's user avatar
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Beamer: use glyphs from smaller font size, but enlarge

Like most full-featured typefaces, Computer Modern has different versions for different display sizes. Smaller sizes have a wider aspect ratio, heavier serifs, and less variation between horizontal ...
japreiss's user avatar
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Problems with the font size of a Figure

I've been working with a font size on 10pt. When I included a figure the font size is evidently larger than 10pt, something that I cannot overlook. I'll let the preamble code below, as well as the ...
Miqueas Gamero's user avatar
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Creating a custom font size (redux)

In this thread, I learned from @MartinSharrer how to create a custom fontsize. It works wonderfully for except when I nest itemize lists. For the first itemize level it works as expected, but ...
Leo Simon's user avatar
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Shrink size of footnote asterisk

I am trying to shrink the size of the asterisk when using a footnote. Minimal example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \long\def\symbolfootnote[#1]#2{\...
safex's user avatar
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How to change row size and text size in longtable package to make table fit?

I have a large table (17 columns, 29 rows). I want to put this in landscape orientation and spread across multiple pages. - \usepackage{pdflscape} - \usepackage{longtable} - \newcommand{\blandscape}{\...
Mark Davies's user avatar
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Increasing the font size makes the font smaller instead

I screen capped my workspace in overleaf below: The font size was initially at 12 pts as is in the command \documentclass[titlepage,12 pt]{article}. When I tried increasing the font size to 14 by ...
jboy's user avatar
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Prevent fontsize command resize equation numbers

I'm copy-editing a paper where the author used \fontsize to resize equations: \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} Normal size equation and equation ...
Gabriele's user avatar
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How to set `\autocite{}` of `biblatex` as `\tiny` using beamer

I would like to produce beamer slides with biblatex and to set the font size of the citations with \autocite{} as \tiny while keeping the font size of the citations with \textcite default (\normalsize)...
Carlos Luis Rivera's user avatar
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Make text of a single line bigger on beamer

I am using beamer for a presentation and need to create a title page. I have the usual 'title', 'author', 'institution', 'date'. Now ideally I would like to put another line below this that is the ...
Meep's user avatar
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DocumentClass options - ex

I have a LaTeX file with the following line: \documentclass[1.5ex]{report} Can I confirm that the options set is to set the x height of the main body font to 1.5mm? (as an aside does anyone know what ...
Colin747's user avatar
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how to change the font type and size?

I'm new to latex and I'm trying to change the font type and size of the thesis title, chapter headings, sub chapters headings, abstract, table of figures and acknowledgment , first I tried to change ...
wassimdiai's user avatar
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font, text style etc [duplicate]

This might be awkward to ask but just wonder if by any chance one could inform me: I just like very much the font and the text style used in this report here
Myshkin's user avatar
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On the saturation of fontsize

Below I wrote a code using the grid package showing: When the fontsize is 20 the height of the parenthesis is 20 points, which is what we expect. When the fontsize is 40 the height of the parenthesis ...
Aria's user avatar
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How to make multiple figures closer together?

I have 12 plots which I want to make them one figure explaining the situation in the different scenarios. But when I try to put them together, they become far from each other. which causes the number ...
john22's user avatar
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