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Is there a proper way to put `\fillin[]` inside `align` environment in the LaTeX `exam` class?

I am using \fillin[] command in the latex exam class to produce the following output: Convert the following angles from degrees to radians: \begin{questions} \begin{multicols}{4} \...
EthanAlvaree's user avatar
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Exam class: matrix inside \fillin answer line

I would like to make a worksheet where students write matrices inside \fillin[] answer lines. As you can see from the following example, \fillin[] seems to work fine for writing in a single number ...
EthanAlvaree's user avatar
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Question about Tikz Template

I'm really stuck i want to create something like this image in bellow but i didn't know how to start because i'm beginner in tikz
Hicham's user avatar
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Error: LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item for theorem like environment within the questions environment

I have used the exam document class with amsthm package. I have defined \lemma as follows - \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} \newtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{Lemma} And it has been used as - \begin{questions}...
Night Coder's user avatar
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Error Caused by The \makebox Command When Used Inside an Exam Document Header

I am using the exam package for the first time. I wanted to edit the header as mentioned on page 117 of the documentation. The \makebox command is causing an error of the type: Missing \begin{document}...
Abdullah Heyari's user avatar
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Exam document class can be typeset but I still want to fix the error messages

I have \documentclass[answers]{exam} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{tipa} \usepackage{graphicx} \graphicspath{{ozclo images/}} \begin{document} \let\oldtable\table \let\...
user71207's user avatar
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Text before question in exam class

The following example gives a compile error: \documentclass{exam} \begin{document} \begin{questions} \section{Section 1} Some descriptive text. \question A really interesting ...
Huck Bennett's user avatar
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Exam class error concerned with needing positive number of rows/columns in a table

I asked a question a couple of months ago about tweaking the gradetable setup using the exam document class, and I have based a considerable amount of work off of an answer provided there. Today I ...
Daniel W. Farlow's user avatar
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Error "! Missing } inserted. <inserted text> } l.34 \end{align*}"

I don't understand what went wrong: \begin{questions} \question[10] Evaluate the limit: $$\lim_{x\rightarrow 0}\frac{8\sin^2(x)}{1-\cos(x)}$$ \begin{solution} \begin{align*} $$=&\lim_{x\...
octalgon's user avatar
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Strange behaviour of \FPeval

I have a piece of code, which sometimes compiled correctly, other times it gives an error. Is it possible that the package fp is unstable? Or might another package conflict with fp? How could I fix ...
bmv's user avatar
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Error in perfectly working document

This a followup to a previous question of mine: Compiling questions in exam class I finally managed to create something that does what I want in a nice automatic manner. First I derived the class ...
fabikw's user avatar
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Sketching within a Solution Environment

I wish to sketch a set within a solution environment, but my attempts have led to the following error message: LaTeX Error: Float(s) lost. How do I fix this? Here is a snippet of my code \...
Matthew's user avatar
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Why do i have error by removing this `>{\stepcounter{tfno}\thetfno.}`

i followed the instructions by this link: Remove the automatic generation of number? and happily satisfied when it really prevented the automatic numbering of the text. But why is when i changed the ...
Kayla's user avatar
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