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Questions tagged [docker]

Using so called containers, docker provides (small) virtual machines, which do only contain or provide, what the creator specified in terms of operating systems, libraries and applications. It's intended to run isolated applications on Linux, Windows or macOS.

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FreeGLUT necessary for Asymptote?

I use Asymptote. Upon compiling, I stumble across such error: asy: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory After some googling, ...
Gargantuar's user avatar
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"invalidfont" error with LuaLaTex and pst-barcode using basic TexLive install

I am trying to make a minimal TexLive install for a docker container to minimize cloud costs. My web app creates product package labels with a UPC code. In my docker container, I get an "...
jlmontie's user avatar
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pdflatex compilation error in CI job, but not in interactive shell

I get an error while compiling my document inside a Ubuntu 22.04 docker container during a Gitlab CI job: !pdfTeX error: /usr/bin/pdflatex (file tcrm1000): Font tcrm1000 at 600 not found ==> Fatal ...
Nicola Mori's user avatar
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Font Latin Modern Roman cannot be found

I am hosting my Overleaf, and I ran into a wall. I'm trying to compile my BSc thesis template, but I'm constantly getting error that Latin Modern Roman is missing. Latin Modern Roman is a part of TeX ...
Jurrer's user avatar
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Package fontspec Error: The font "FontAwesome" cannot be found

I have a simple latex document like this: \documentclass{hijiangtao-resume} \usepackage{zh_CN-Adobefonts_external} \usepackage{linespacing_fix} \usepackage{cite} \begin{document} \name{蒋强} \...
Dolphin's user avatar
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No icons for moderncv with minimal LaTeX install

I am using a small image with a minimal LaTeX install. When I build a moderncv document, there aren't any icons for phone & mail. I have already added the fontawesome package in Dockerfile like ...
Dolphin's user avatar
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moderncv.cls not found on base TeX install

I am using this kjarosh/latex:2023.1-small docker container to build my own latex docker runtime. When I use XeLaTeX to build the moderncv tex file, I get this error: LaTeX Error: File `moderncv.cls' ...
Dolphin's user avatar
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FATAL ERROR luaotfload | load : × Failed to load "fontloader" module "basics-gen" on Debian Bullseye (livetex-full package)

I am hoping a LuaTeX/LaTeX expert can assit on this issue I am having. I have a docker container that is running on Debian Bullseye and I have installed the textlive-full package. The full instalation ...
root92's user avatar
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How to properly format an included docker-compose.yml file

How do I properly format and highlight a docker-compose.yml file when including a code snippet into a latex document. I want to do something like: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{listings} \lstset{...
NameVergessen's user avatar
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Compile Latex with Github Actions

I'm writing my master thesis in latex and I'm using git and github for version control. To compile it on my laptop, I have this Makefile and to compile it I just run make and everything works fine. ....
Z123's user avatar
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LaTeX Error: File `substr.sty' not found

I am getting following error from Latex: ! LaTeX Error: File `substr.sty' not found. I fixed similar error by adding similar package earlier. Now, with the substr, the problem is that the package ...
Viktor Reinok's user avatar
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MiKTeX cannot download font

I am trying to run MiKTeX in a docker container, but I'm having problems with few fonts. I've seen multiple mentions that I need to do updmap but there is no such command available. mpm --update-db ...
matszwecja's user avatar
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XeLaTeX does not show diacritics characters correctly with EB Garamond font in docker container

On my MacOS with brew mactex-no-gu installed all works fine. Diacritics in generated PDF by XeTeX is displayed correctly. Now I am trying to prepare docker image with XeTeX but there is a problem with ...
kolisko's user avatar
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Can you please explain to me what this error involves and how to debug the software causing it?

I have a document that was previously (a year+ ago) built successfully. As part of the work then, I threw all the code into a repo on Github with actions that built the document as part of releases. ...
Christopher Ridgers's user avatar
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Installing TeXlive 2021: I can't find file `dehypht-x-2021-02-26.tex'

Hiyo, so, I'm trying to build various Docker images for the different TeXLive schemes infraonly, minimal, basic, small, medium, and full. But, as of lately, I cannot build the most recent TeXlive ...
Philipp Tempel's user avatar

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