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Questions tagged [column-width]

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5 votes
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Fixed column width and left alignment works partially [duplicate]

For some reason, I am not able to set left alignment in the third column of a table (I can make it only in the first and second columns}. Does anybody know waht is hapenning? Below you find a MWE. ...
Marcus's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to properly expand expl3 Macros within tblr environment (from tabularray package)

I've been working on a macro that takes a comma-separated list of lists and converts it into a table that spans the full width of the page, with specific text formatting applied to certain columns. ...
Mycroft_47's user avatar
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Aligning the Summary Statistics and Correlation Matrix

I am trying to create a table in LaTeX that displays summary statistics and a correlation matrix, similar to the table shown below. However, I am encountering some issues with formatting and aligning ...
HAITHEM's user avatar
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Columns not equally spaced in tabular*

I am using \tabular* and my columns are not equally spaced. Also, the last column does not reach the border of the table. I don't want to use \multicolumn for all rows as it's so messy. But I had to ...
nadeem's user avatar
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How Can I Adjust Column Width in a TikZ Vertical Bar Graph?

I've created a vertical bar graph using TikZ. Below is the code: \begin{figure}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[ ybar=0pt, % enlargelimits=0.15, width=\columnwidth, %...
pvti's user avatar
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Set automatically the width of a table, based on the column width in which the table appears (in a 2-column document) [duplicate]

I have a document that is split into two columns of different width. In one of the two columns, I would like to add a table that is large exactly as the width of that column. Is there an automatic way ...
Ommo's user avatar
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multiple box per 5 line

I think I've reached my solution on how to have 3 box each line, for 5 lines. this is an example. \begin{document} \tcbset{colback=red!10!white,colframe=red!75!black,size=small, fonttitle=\bfseries,...
RenatoP's user avatar
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Geting to have the appendix on all page widht just after the end of bibliography which is only on one column, all on the same page

I have the end of document with bibliography with 2 columns formatting. Now, I would like to get, just after the end of left column bibliography, the appendix which covers the full width of page and ...
foutou_10's user avatar
1 vote
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How to fit a multiple lined equation to column width

I have an equation with multiple lines that exceeds the column width. I want to modify the equation to fit column width without splitting lines. I've looked at the question How to fit a math equation ...
Shelley's user avatar
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3 votes
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Same column width

I would like to use the same column width, how could I achieve that? \documentclass[12pt]{report} \usepackage[margin=2.5cm,headsep=7.5mm,footskip=7.5mm,bindingoffset=0in,headheight=8mm,showframe=...
taiwan12's user avatar
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2 answers

tabular intercolumn whitespace

Any suggestion to fix tabular intercolumn whitespace and improve its margins Here are my code and output code: \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article} \usepackage{booktabs,tabularx} ...
haithem's user avatar
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adjust the width of table column

I'm trying to make the third column of this table wider, so any suggestions to adjust the third column for a better look? \documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=2cm,a4paper]{geometry} % set page ...
haithem's user avatar
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Specifying the column width and centered vertical alignment of latex table

I have a table with multi-rows and columns. I need to specify the column width of some of the columns because the table is too wide for the page. But I can't find a way to do so and vertically center ...
Devin Dalton's user avatar
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How to force a multilayered math environment to column width

I have a multilayered math environment in a two column article. The equations go past the column width. How do I avoid that? Below is my MWE. P.S. I've loaded the breqn package, but I don't know how ...
Shelley's user avatar
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Change default column type in tabularray

Is it possible to set all tblr in the document to be \linewidth wide specifying the X column type by default?. This requires not mentioning the number of columns like it happens in colspec, as it ...
Polizi8's user avatar
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