\left| Y(j \omega) \right| = \sqrt{\frac{\omega^2 \left( C\ped{DC} + C\ped{eq} \right)^2 + \omega^4 \left[ \left( R\ped{eq} C\ped{eq} C\ped{DC} \right)^2 - 2 \left(  C\ped{DC} + C\ped{eq} \right) \left( L\ped{eq} C\ped{eq} C\ped{DC} \right) \right] + \omega^6 \left( L\ped{eq} C\ped{eq} C\ped{DC} \right)^2}{1 + \omega^2 \left[ \left( R\ped{eq} C\ped{eq} \right)^2 - 2 L\ped{eq} C\ped{eq} \right] + \omega^4 \left( L\ped{eq} C\ped{eq} \right)^2}}.

Hi. This is an equation I have to write. It's too long. (I cannot show you the results because I don't have enough reputation points to post images). How can I reduce the fontsize of the equation (without reducing the fontsize of the number of the reference)? Any suggestion to solve this problem? Thank you.

  • 1
    Could you provide a MWE? From the document class declaration and packages loaded through to the end of the document? For example, if I try to compile your snippet, I get a compilation error with \ped. I'm not sure whether that's a user defined macro or something else. Either way, I'm unfamiliar with it.
    – A.Ellett
    Commented Feb 22, 2013 at 15:58
  • Welcome to TeX.sx! Reducing the size won't help; assuming the standard settings for 10pt article on A4 paper, even at \scriptsize the formula is too wide. With \tiny it is not overfull, but it becomes unreadable.
    – egreg
    Commented Feb 22, 2013 at 16:07
  • Please, bear in mind that \ped is not a standard command, but is only provided by the italian option to babel. So you see the necessity for a minimal working example (MWE)
    – egreg
    Commented Feb 22, 2013 at 16:18

1 Answer 1


Reducing the size won't help; assuming the standard settings for 10pt article on A4 paper, even at \scriptsize the formula is too wide. With \tiny it is not overfull, but it becomes unreadable.

A possibility is to avoid the radical, squaring the left hand side, and using multlined from the mathtools package for the numerator:

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % or other encoding


\lvert Y(j \omega) \rvert^2 =
    \omega^2 ( C\ped{DC} + C\ped{eq} )^2 \\
    \qquad{} +\omega^4 [ ( R\ped{eq} C\ped{eq} C\ped{DC} )^2 -
      2 (C\ped{DC} + C\ped{eq} ) ( L\ped{eq} C\ped{eq} C\ped{DC} ) ] \qquad\\
    {} + \omega^6 ( L\ped{eq} C\ped{eq} C\ped{DC} )^2
    1 + \omega^2 [ ( R\ped{eq} C\ped{eq} )^2 - 2 L\ped{eq} C\ped{eq} ] +
    \omega^4 ( L\ped{eq} C\ped{eq} )^2  

The two \qquad commands are just to widen the middle row which shouldn't be broken, but becomes the longest, spoiling the alignment.

Don't overuse \left and \right; in this formula none of them is needed.

enter image description here

A different strategy might be to use symbolic names for the coefficients: with the same preamble as before (but mathtools is not necessary), you can write

\lvert Y(j \omega) \rvert &=
  \frac{X_2 \omega^2 + X_4 \omega^4 + X_6 \omega^6}
   {1 + Y_2 \omega^2 + Y_4 \omega^4}
X_2 &= ( C\ped{DC} + C\ped{eq} )^2
X_4 &= ( R\ped{eq} C\ped{eq} C\ped{DC} )^2 -
      2 (C\ped{DC} + C\ped{eq} ) ( L\ped{eq} C\ped{eq} C\ped{DC} )
X_6 &= ( L\ped{eq} C\ped{eq} C\ped{DC} )^2
Y_2 &= ( R\ped{eq} C\ped{eq} )^2 - 2 L\ped{eq} C\ped{eq}
Y_4 &= ( L\ped{eq} C\ped{eq} )^2

and get the following result

enter image description here

  • 2
    The OP's readers will thank you if he adopts your suggestion to name the coefficients. Commented Feb 22, 2013 at 16:44

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