Is there a way to make math symbols bigger?

Reason: I've used \sfrac{q}{m}, and those symbols appear far to small, so I would like to make them a bit bigger.

edit: I just thought that \sfrac{q}{m} should look nicer if it is bigger when it is followed by =.

edit 2: Context:

some text
  \dfrac{q}{m} \propto \frac{4\pi{r^2}}{\frac{4}{3}\pi{r^3}}\
  \propto 3{r^\alpha}\text{, \quad gdje je\quad}\;\alpha = -1 \text{.}
some text
  • Do you really mean \sfrac? I don't know this command. Moreover, a bit of context would help. Commented Dec 20, 2010 at 16:25
  • use \dfrac instead
    – user2478
    Commented Dec 20, 2010 at 16:28
  • @Hendrik Vogt: I thought that it would look nicer, but it doesn't... I'll use \dfrac
    – user1996
    Commented Dec 20, 2010 at 17:30
  • 2
    @an_ant: Well, you still didn't give us context (and you let me figure out myself that it's in the xfrac package ...). It might well be that in your context, using q/m would be better than \dfrac{q}{m}. Please be more specific by giving a complete example with not just the equation but also the surrounding text. Commented Dec 20, 2010 at 17:35
  • 1
    @an_ant: Better, but it doesn't show one important thing: Is the math formula in display style (on a line of it's own), or is it just within the text (so-called inline math)? Commented Dec 20, 2010 at 18:20

3 Answers 3


Another possibility are the \mathlarger and \mathsmaller commands provided by the relsize package.

These can be iterated to make bigger and bigger

    x+y=z \leftrightarrow \mathlarger{\mathlarger{\mathlarger{(x+y=z)}}}

alt text

It doesn't always work well with large operators, though.


It is really advisable to always provide a minimal example. The easiest way to scale it (you essentially scaling the font) is to use the \scalebox macro from the graphicx package as follows:

 Scale at 1.5 times  \scalebox{1.5}{\sfrac{3}{2}}

 This is much larger  \scalebox{3}{\sfrac{3}{2}}

You can place the whole thing in a new macro if you wish:


  • 2
    One should add that only in very special contexts it is advisable to do this. But as no context is specified so far ... Commented Dec 20, 2010 at 16:42
  • 2
    @Hendrik Absolutely, the context is important and one should relax and let TeX\LaTeX help with the typography - that is their greater point. Also one should have some faith in the advice of people that designed packages around the difference of a solidus and a virgule! However, if you need to scale anything normally scalebox and scalefont are great tools.
    – yannisl
    Commented Dec 20, 2010 at 16:48

This is an answer to the version of edit 2 that I just produced myself ...

As your math formula is in display style, you can just use \frac{q}{m}; this will give you a large fraction. It's also OK to use \dfrac{q}{m}; this will yield the same result: \dfrac just puts a fraction in display style.

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