I'm trying to reproduce this template for a physics lesson sheet and I can't put the header which contains : "Prof : ; Vecteurs et Translation ; Année"

enter image description here

This is what I tried :

\usepackage[left=1cm, right=1cm, top=1cm, bottom=1cm]{geometry}
\section{Les Vecteurs}
\subsection{Caractéristiques d'un vecteur}
    $\overrightarrow{AB}$ \text{ est un vecteur : } 
        \star ~ \textbf{Direction : } \text{ droite } (AB) \\
        \star ~ \textbf{Sens : } \text{ sens de la droite } (AB) \text{ de } A \text{ vers } B \\
        \star ~ \textbf{Norme (module) : } \text{ longueur } AB
            %   \clip(-2,-1) rectangle (4,3);
            \draw [->,line width=1.5pt] (0,0) -- (3,2);
            \draw[color=red] (-1.4,0.6) node[anchor=north west,scale=0.6] {Origine};
            \draw[color=blue] (0.9,2.5) node[anchor=north west,scale=0.6] {Extrémité};
                \draw [fill=red] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
                \draw [fill=blue] (3,2) circle (1.5pt);
                \draw[color=blue] (3.2,2.3) node {$B$};
                \draw[color=red] (0,-0.25) node {$A$};

This is the result :

enter image description here

The page numbering is also not displayed correctly.

  • Off topic. Take a look at the package unicode-math with option math-style=french (with a compilation lualatex)
    – pascal974
    Commented Apr 13 at 12:22

2 Answers 2


You can use fancyhdr to configure the headings and footer and the package geometry to correctly setup your footer and header distances

\usepackage[left=1cm, right=1cm, top=1cm, bottom=1cm,footskip=3pt,headsep=12pt,headheight=0.7cm]{geometry}
    \fancyhead[C]{Vecteurs et Translation}
        \section{Les Vecteurs}
        \subsection{Caractéristiques d'un vecteur}
            $\overrightarrow{AB}$ \text{ est un vecteur : } 
                \star ~ \textbf{Direction : } \text{ droite } (AB) \\
                \star ~ \textbf{Sens : } \text{ sens de la droite } (AB) \text{ de } A \text{ vers } B \\
                \star ~ \textbf{Norme (module) : } \text{ longueur } AB
                    %   \clip(-2,-1) rectangle (4,3);
                    \draw [->,line width=1.5pt] (0,0) -- (3,2);
                    \draw[color=red] (-1.4,0.6) node[anchor=north west,scale=0.6] {Origine};
                    \draw[color=blue] (0.9,2.5) node[anchor=north west,scale=0.6] {Extrémité};
                        \draw [fill=red] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
                        \draw [fill=blue] (3,2) circle (1.5pt);
                        \draw[color=blue] (3.2,2.3) node {$B$};
                        \draw[color=red] (0,-0.25) node {$A$};

enter image description here


Probably the packages fancyhdr and tcolorbox are your friends and probably you are interested in TikZ's positioning library:


\usepackage[x11names, svgnames, dvipsnames]{xcolor}

\setbox\scratchboxA\hbox{Prof Vecteurs et Translation Année}%
\usepackage[left=1cm, right=1cm, top=1cm, bottom=1cm, 
%In case of footrules with \footskip take  \footrulewidth / \footruleskip into account.
\fancyhead[C]{Vecteurs et Translation}
% if twoside:
% \fancyhead[EL, OL]{Prof}
% \fancyhead[EC, OC]{Vecteurs et Translation}
% \fancyhead[ER, OR]{Année}
% \fancyfoot[EC, OC]{\thepage}
% \fancyfoot[EL, ER, OL, OR]{}





\section{Les Vecteurs}
\subsection{Caractéristiques d'un vecteur}
  attach boxed title to top center={yshift=-.5\dimexpr\ht\strutbox+\dp\strutbox+2\fboxsep\relax},
  boxed title style={colback=red!5!white, colframe=red!5!white},
  title=Définition 1,
\begin{minipage}[c]{\dimexpr(\tcbtextwidth -2.9cm)\relax}%
    % The \hrules make aligning minipages [t] or [b] or [c] easier.
    \hrule height 0pt
    $\overrightarrow{AB}$  est un vecteur : %
        \star ~ \textbf{Direction : } \text{ droite } (AB) \\
        \star ~ \textbf{Sens : } \vtop{\hbox{$\text{sens de la droite }(AB)\text{ de }A$\strut}\hbox{$\text{vers } B$\strut}}\\
        \star ~ \textbf{Norme (module) : } \text{ longueur } AB
    \hrule height 0pt
\end{minipage}%%%% no breapoint between minipages!
    \hrule height 0pt
        \scratchlength=-2\dimexpr\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/inner xsep}+\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/outer xsep}\relax
        \edef\myleftshift{\the\numexpr\scratchlength\relax sp}%
        \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5,>=stealth, node distance=0 and 0]
            % Thickness of lines with TikZ is:
            % /tikz/ultra thin   -   Sets the line width to 0.1pt = 0.03514598 mm.
            % /tikz/very thin    -   Sets the line width to 0.2pt = 0.07029196 mm.
            % /tikz/thin         -   Sets the line width to 0.4pt = 0.14058392 mm.
            % /tikz/semithick    -   Sets the line width to 0.6pt = 0.21087588 mm.
            % /tikz/thick        -   Sets the line width to 0.8pt = 0.28116784 mm.
            % /tikz/very thick   -   Sets the line width to 1.2pt = 0.42175176 mm.
            % /tikz/ultra thick  -   Sets the line width to 1.6pt = 0.56233568 mm.
            \draw [thin, fill=red] (0,0) node[anchor=north, red] (A) {$A$} circle (3.2pt);
            \draw [thin, fill=blue] (2.5,1.75) node[anchor=south, blue] (B) {$B$} circle (3.2pt);
            \draw [->,ultra thick] (A.north) -- (B.south);
            \node[left=\myleftshift of A.south west, anchor=south east, red] {\footnotesize Origine\! \null};
            \node[left=\myleftshift of B.north west, anchor=north east, blue] {\footnotesize Extrémité\! \null};
    \hrule height 0pt



enter image description here

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