fnpct seems to do an excellent job adjusting the kerning between periods/commas and footnote symbols. This AdaptNote command does switch positions with interpunction, but does no kerning. Can I use fnpct to perform the kerning?

enter image description here

    Footnotes \footnote{foo}, and citations \cite{citekey1}, exhibit different kerning \cite{citekey1,citekey2}.
        \bibitem{citekey1} First citation.
        \bibitem{citekey2} Second citation.

1 Answer 1


I guess you want to move the footnote markers a little above punctuation.




Footnote\footnote{x} footnote\footnote{foo}, and citations \cite{citekey1}, 
exhibit different kerning \cite{citekey1,citekey2}.


\bibitem{citekey1} First citation.

\bibitem{citekey2} Second citation.



enter image description here

  • That's perfect, thank you! I didn't realise that other fnpct functionality worked for non-footnotes.
    – Anna
    Commented Feb 29 at 12:32

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