I don't know if this is correct: I need a page (vertical A3) that contain 5 vertical rule each line is composed by 3 column. I need to insert text on this box. How can I obtain that?

Thank you


ps this is an example of first pageenter image description here

  • 3
    Can you add a sketch? Commented Feb 27 at 11:30
  • I don't understand what you mean by a vertical rule that is composed by (of?) 3 columns. I don't understand where the box comes from that you're wanting to insert text into. I second the request for a sketch. Do you mean that you need a 3 column by 5 row grid, with text in each of those boxes? Have you looked into creating a table?
    – Teepeemm
    Commented Feb 27 at 14:25
  • 1
    Thanks for adding the image. I think the poster library from the tcolorbox package might be useful. Commented Feb 27 at 14:39
  • Or tikzposter, but I've been told tcolorbox's package is better.
    – cfr
    Commented Feb 27 at 17:25
  • ok for tcolobox package, but I don't need colored box. The blue character is just becausethis is the title of text and it is an hyperlink. Can you send me an example that I can convert in my need?
    – RenatoP
    Commented Feb 27 at 17:41

1 Answer 1


I think the following will get you started. tabularx creates a table that is \linewidth wide (the width of the page). The *{3}{X} creates 3 type X columns, which tabularx makes equally sized to become the desired width. Within a tabular cell, you can then enter the title and abstract (using \newline, since \\ starts a new tabular row). And then move to the next cell with & and the next row with \\ .

\newcommand\shortBox{This is a short box}
\newcommand\longBox{This is a longer box that will take some more space.  I'll add some more words to make sure that happens.  I think this is enough. Well, lets add a bit more. This is a longer box that will take some more space.  I'll add some more words to make sure that happens.  I think this is enough. Well, lets add a bit more.}
{\Huge This is my title}
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{2} % increase the spacing between the rows
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ *{3}{X} }
Title 1\newline\shortBox &
Title 2\newline\longBox &
Title 3\newline\shortBox \\
Title 5\newline\longBox &
Title 4\newline\shortBox &
Title 6\newline\shortBox \\
Title 7\newline\shortBox &
Title 8\newline\longBox &
Title 9\newline\shortBox \\
Title 10\newline\shortBox &
Title 11\newline\longBox &
Title 12\newline\longBox \\
Title 13\newline\shortBox &
Title 14\newline\longBox &
Title 15\newline\shortBox

code output

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