I am using Springer [sn-mathphys]{sn-jnl} to submit a paper to Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (CMDA). I noticed they require references to be alphabetically ordered by author's last name. However, the literature seems to be sorted by citation order rather than last name. It appears that [sn-basic]{sn-jnl} would fulfil my request, but this format omits the decimal point in the journal abbreviation ".". I need to cite my literature using the [sn-mathphys] format, but I want him to be listed by last name; how do I do that? This is the download address for the template:https://www.springernature.com/gp/authors/campaigns/latex-author-support

This is the format of the CMDA enter image description here

The format of [sn-mathphys]{sn-jnl} in the SpringerNature template is similar but not sorted alphabetically by the author's last name.

Another [sn-basic]{sn-jnl} format is as follows: enter image description here

It could list them in last name order, but the journal abbreviations and the dot in the author's name "." disappeared.

  • 2
    Welcome to TeX.SE. Have you contacted the journal's editorial office and pointed out to them that some of their formatting requirements appear to be incompatible with each other? For instance, if they require you to employ the sn-mathphys bibliography style, they should not also be requiring that the bibliographic entries be sorted alphabetically by authors' surnames. Do ask them directly for a ruling on how you should proceed.
    – Mico
    Commented Aug 25, 2023 at 17:33

1 Answer 1


It seems that your question is a duplicate of this one : Problem with Springer Nature bibliography style (citation style: numbered, sort in alphabetical order)

I was struggling to get the same result and finally managed to make it work. So I provide also my answer here, using part of the template sn-basic.bst, in hope it may be useful for someone else.

In sn-mathphys.bst, insert just after the line REVERSE {reverse.pass}, the function bib.sort.order contained in sn-basic.bst. In my case, it consists in 14 lines starting by FUNCTION {bib.sort.order} and ending in 'sort.key$ := and }.

Then you can use \documentclass[sn-mathphys,Numbered]{sn-jnl} in your document, as specified in the template, and it should work.

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