In submission guidelines for Springer economic journals it is typically written that "We recommend using Springer Nature's LaTeX template". But in the template itself you can choose among different document classes:

\documentclass[pdflatex,sn-mathphys]{sn-jnl}% Math and Physical Sciences Reference Style
%%\documentclass[sn-aps]{sn-jnl}% American Physical Society (APS) Reference Style
%%\documentclass[sn-vancouver]{sn-jnl}% Vancouver Reference Style

What of these document classes is preferable for economic journals, if any?

  • 2
    Welcome to tex.sx. I've never submitted anything to Springer, but I think that the sn-jnl option is the one they're suggesting. Commented Nov 15, 2022 at 0:41
  • It seems that, from the three choices, that only one is a style choice for reference type and the others may present math/phys equations better. For Econ there may need to be a survey of preferred Econ journals to see if a latex style is available, Otherwise a general non-styled format or one from the journal printer (here Springer) that presents formulas and graphs efficiently could be chosen. From there it is up to the editors.
    – Leucippus
    Commented Nov 15, 2022 at 21:34


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