I need to use xltabular for a complex table. The MDPI template has an example of a tabularx on full width that I am trying to replicate:




\Author{Firstname Lastname}
\AuthorNames{Firstname Lastname}

$^{1}$ \quad Affiliation 1; [email protected]


\caption{This is a wide table.\label{tab2}}
            \textbf{Title 1}    & \textbf{Title 2}  & \textbf{Title 3}     & \textbf{Title 4}\\
            Entry 1     & Data          & Data          & Data\\
            Entry 2     & Data          & Data          & Data \textsuperscript{1}\\
    \noindent{\footnotesize{\textsuperscript{1} This is a table footnote.}}


Good table that spreads the full width

However, when I attempt the following I don't get the result I hoped for:





\Author{Firstname Lastname}
\AuthorNames{Firstname Lastname}

$^{1}$ \quad Affiliation 1; [email protected]


\caption{This is a wide table.\label{tab2}}
            \textbf{Title 1}    & \textbf{Title 2}  & \textbf{Title 3}     & \textbf{Title 4}\\
            Entry 1     & Data          & Data          & Data\\
            Entry 2     & Data          & Data          & Data \textsuperscript{1}\\
    \noindent{\footnotesize{\textsuperscript{1} This is a table footnote.}}


Bad table that is not wide enough

How can I generate a full-width xltabular table?

  • 1
    Please extend your code fragments to complete, compilable small document with your tables, which we can test as it is.
    – Zarko
    Commented Oct 27, 2022 at 13:26
  • Thank you. That is done @Zarko. You'll still need the MDPI Class and Style Files though.
    – mritz_p
    Commented Oct 27, 2022 at 15:37

1 Answer 1


I couldn't figure out how to stretch an xltabular table, but was able to do this with tabularray and longtblr. This has similar functionality to xltabular.





\Author{Firstname Lastname}
\AuthorNames{Firstname Lastname}

$^{1}$ \quad Affiliation 1; [email protected]


        caption = {This is a wide table using tabularray and longtblr.},
        label = {tab2},
        note{1} = {This is a table footnote.}
          colspec = {XXXX}, hlines,
        Entry 1     & Data          & Data          & Data\\
        Entry 2     & Data          & Data          & Data \textsuperscript{1}\\


enter image description here

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