I typed


and I got this ( ignore the equal sign in the picture)

different size

My question is why the square brackets are different in the size? Thank you.

1 Answer 1


It's worth placing the two main code chunks from lines 1 and 2 on the same line:

enter image description here

In the first code chunk, the expression


is raised to the third power -- highlighted in orange in the screenshot posted above.

In contrast, the three \left(...\right) terms in the second chunk do not get squared or cubed. As a result, the single tallest object inside \left[...\right. in line 1 is slightly taller than the single tallest object inside \left. ... \right] in line 2.

The upshot? TeX sees fit to make \left[ in line 1 taller than \right] in line 2.

The remedy? Don't overuse \left and \right. For the two-line equation at hand, I'd use \biggl[ on line 1 and \biggr] on line 2 -- and, clearly, get rid of \right. on line 1 and of \left. on line 2 as they're no longer needed.


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