For kWh, some numbers don't get rendered via exponent-to-prefix. Apparently all that should use Wh (without prefix):


    exponent-to-prefix = true,
    round-mode = places,
    round-precision = 3,
    scientific-notation = engineering,


\SI{1000}{\kWh} % Works
\SI{100}{\kWh} % Works
\SI{10}{\kWh} % Works
\SI{1}{\kWh} % Works

\SI{0.1}{\kWh} % Fails
\SI{0.01}{\kWh} % Fails
\SI{0.001}{\kWh} % Fails

\SI{0.0001}{\kWh} % Works
\SI{0.00001}{\kWh} % Works
\SI{0.000001}{\kWh} % Works
\SI{0.0000001}{\kWh} % Works


I programmatically generate the numbers so I don't really know beforehand what range they fall into. Is there a way to make exponent-to-prefix work for all constellations?

  • 'Use v3'? The code here is completely re-worked and doesn't give an error for any of your examples.
    – Joseph Wright
    Commented Jul 20, 2021 at 13:14

1 Answer 1


Version 3 of siunitx should handle your input just fine. To deal with v2, you probably are best creating a 'prefix' that deal with the problem

  • Perfect. Now on to finding out how to update my LaTeX distribution :-)
    – mritz_p
    Commented Jul 20, 2021 at 13:32

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