The problem

I use unicode-math and lualatex and for beamer presentations, I want a fully compatible OTF sans serif font (that looks good with Myriad Pro unlike GFSNeohellenicMath). Kp-Math-Sans works and isn't lacking any symbols like Fira-Math. Sadly, parentheses and right brackets can't be scaled up (not even with \big) although it works fine with Kp-Math-Regular.

Using unicode-math:

With unicode-math

Using kp-fonts (which loads the T1 font and does too much):

With kp-fonts

However, these two packages are incompatible with each other.

I also tried loading only ranges, but this only caused problems with scaling: Only Neohellenic (\setmathfont[version=sf]{GFSNeohellenicMath}):


Both ( \setmathfont[version=sf]{GFSNeohellenicMath} \setmathfont[ range={up, it, bb, frak, cal, scr, sfup, sfit, bfup,bfit, bfcal}, version=sf ]{KpMath-Sans}):


In this case everything was taken from KpMath-Sans (the pdf didn't contain NeoHellenic)

I also tried different combinations with Fira-Math but that even introduced division by 0 errors because the sizes of characters probably got messed up.

The question

Is there a way to combine fonts such that I can get correctly scaling braces? It would be extremely impractical to change all scaling braces to the proposed solution in this old related post: unicode-math and braces scaling.

Also it seems that kp-math-Sans doesn't have the problem diagnosed there (not being a OTF-Math font).

Is there maybe a working version of the OTF file somewhere out there? Or can I load the T1 font in a way consistent with all the unicode-math stuff?

The minimal example from the pictures:

\usepackage[nott, notext, notextcomp]{kpfonts}
% \usepackage{unicode-math}
% \setmathfont{Kp-Math-Regular}
% \setmathfont[version = sf]{KpMath-Sans}
\end{matrix} \right)$ \quad
$\big(()\big)$ \quad
Sans Serif:
$\left[ \begin{matrix}
\end{matrix} \right]$ \quad 
\end{matrix} \right)$ \quad

1 Answer 1


With LuaTeX or XeTeX you should use the OTF version of the kpfonts.

This works fine for me:

\end{matrix} \right)$ \quad
$\big(()\big)$ \quad
Sans Serif:
$\left[ \begin{matrix}
\end{matrix} \right]$ \quad
\end{matrix} \right)$ \quad


PDF output

  • Downloading the otf file from CTAN fixed it (it is 270 kB instead of 267 now). So maybe they fixed this issue since I first downloaded it. Commented Jun 15, 2021 at 14:41
  • Yes, the issue has been fixed recently in version 0.36 of the kpfonts-otf. Commented Jun 15, 2021 at 18:04

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