I'm trying to create a table of contents in which the chapter number and page number are on one line, and a short summary of the chapter are in a paragraph below. Something like this:

Chapter 1 .................... 1
    In which the main character
    does this and that.
Chapter 2 .................... 23
    In which the main character
    continues  to  do  this and
Chapter 3 .................... 38
    In which the main character
    encounters an obstacle.

The summary text (i.e. "In which...") has been used as the chapter title throughout the document (i.e. \chapter{In which...}). How can I accomplish this effect? I'm using the memoir class.

  • 1
    What you are looking for is chapter precis. Have a look at section 6.5.3 of the memoir manual. Commented May 31, 2021 at 1:26

1 Answer 1


Memoir provide three commands for that. \chapterprecis{text} print text in the place where is written and in the toc, \chapterprecishere{text} print text only in the place where is written and \chapterprecistoc{text} print text only in toc. An example of those three is



\chapter{First chapter}
\chapterprecis{In which the main character does this and that.}

\chapter{Second chapter}
\chapterprecishere{In which the main character continues  to  do  this and}

\chapter{Third chapter}
\chapterprecistoc{In which the main character encounters an obstacle.}

enter image description here

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