I am completely new to LaTeX. I work in the TeXworks editor. I would like to create regression tables with results from Stata for my master's thesis. Using the Stata command "esttab", I created a .tex file with code for my table, however when I try to typeset the table to a pdf document, i always get an "!Undefined control sequence" error.

The following is the .tex file which is created by Stata, I only added the "\documentclass{article}", "\usepackage{booktabs}", "\begin{document}" and "\end{document}" commands.



\caption{Regressions Strictly Independent\tab{tab1}}
                &\multicolumn{1}{c}{Linear Regression}&\multicolumn{1}{c} 
{Quadratic Regression}\\
main                &                     &                     \\
Strictly Independent&   0.0000152         &                     \\
                &     (0.720)         &                     \\
CEO\_Comp\_SHBased=0  &           0         &                     \\
                &         (.)         &                     \\
CEO\_Comp\_SHBased=1  &     -0.0106         &                     \\
                &     (0.110)         &                     \\
Relative Deal Value &    -0.00958         &                     \\
                &     (0.118)         &                     \\
Log Board Size      &     -0.0109\sym{*}  &                     \\
                &     (0.060)         &                     \\
Log Market Cap Acq  &    -0.00177\sym{**} &                     \\
                &     (0.046)         &                     \\
Average Director Tenure&    0.000415         &                     \\
                &     (0.381)         &                     \\
CEO\_BM=0            &           0         &                     \\
                &         (.)         &                     \\
CEO\_BM=1            &    -0.00525         &                     \\
                &     (0.458)         &                     \\
CEO\_Dual=0          &           0         &                     \\
                &         (.)         &                     \\
CEO\_Dual=1          &   -0.000284         &                     \\
                &     (0.902)         &                     \\
Dummy\_Tar\_Listed=0  &           0         &                     \\
                &         (.)         &                     \\
Dummy\_Tar\_Listed=1  &    -0.00689\sym{***}&                     \\
                &     (0.007)         &                     \\
Country\_Dummy=0     &           0         &                     \\
                &         (.)         &                     \\
Country\_Dummy=1     &    -0.00279         &                     \\
                &     (0.189)         &                     \\
Industry\_Dummy=0    &           0         &                     \\
                &         (.)         &                     \\
Industry\_Dummy=1    &     0.00913\sym{**} &                     \\
                &     (0.020)         &                     \\
Cash\_Dummy=0        &           0         &                     \\
                &         (.)         &                     \\
Cash\_Dummy=1        &     0.00626\sym{*}  &                     \\
                &     (0.062)         &                     \\
CEO\_Comp\_SHBased=0 $\times$ Avg\_Tenure&           0         &                     
                &         (.)         &                     \\
CEO\_Comp\_SHBased=1 $\times$ Avg\_Tenure&     0.00118\sym{*}  &                     
                &     (0.067)         &                     \\
Constant            &      0.0693\sym{***}&    0.000223\sym{*}  \\
                &     (0.001)         &     (0.092)         \\
b2                  &                     &                     \\
Constant            &                     & -0.00000251\sym{*}  \\
                &                     &     (0.093)         \\
b3                  &                     &                     \\
Constant            &                     &    0.000124         \\
                &                     &     (0.953)         \\
b4                  &                     &                     \\
Constant            &                     &    -0.00965\sym{**} \\
                &                     &     (0.019)         \\
b5                  &                     &                     \\
Constant            &                     &      0.0439\sym{**} \\
                &                     &     (0.011)         \\
b6                  &                     &                     \\
Constant            &                     &     -0.0117\sym{***}\\
                &                     &     (0.001)         \\
b7                  &                     &                     \\
Constant            &                     &    -0.00177\sym{**} \\
                &                     &     (0.042)         \\
b8                  &                     &                     \\
Constant            &                     &    0.000844\sym{**} \\
                &                     &     (0.012)         \\
b9                  &                     &                     \\
Constant            &                     &    -0.00615         \\
                &                     &     (0.466)         \\
b10                 &                     &                     \\
Constant            &                     &   -0.000139         \\
                &                     &     (0.951)         \\
b11                 &                     &                     \\
Constant            &                     &    -0.00710\sym{***}\\
                &                     &     (0.008)         \\
b12                 &                     &                     \\
Constant            &                     &    -0.00268         \\
                &                     &     (0.246)         \\
b13                 &                     &                     \\
Constant            &                     &     0.00895\sym{***}\\
                &                     &     (0.010)         \\
b14                 &                     &                     \\
Constant            &                     &     0.00618\sym{**} \\
                &                     &     (0.027)         \\
\(R^{2}\)           &       0.051         &       0.055         \\
Adjusted \(R^{2}\)  &       0.041         &       0.044         \\
F                   &       5.178         &                     \\
Observations        &        1207         &        1207         \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\footnotesize \textit{p}-values in parentheses}\\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\footnotesize \sym{*} \(p<0.1\), \sym{**} \(p<0.05\), 
\sym{***} \(p<0.01\)}\\


The following is the error message I get:

No file Strict_Indep_3d_95.aux.
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> ...egressions Strictly Independent\tab 
                                              {tab1}}}{\thepage }}
l.9 ...Regressions Strictly Independent\tab{tab1}}


Can somebody help me please?

Remember, I am totally unexperienced with LaTeX/TeXworks/... I am just a guys who would like to have nice regression tables in his master's thesis.

  • \tab is not a defined command. I would guess that you intended \label Commented May 5, 2018 at 10:19
  • 1
    if the \tab part is being generated, stick \newcommand\tab[1]{\label{#1}} before \begin{document} to define \tab to be \label Commented May 5, 2018 at 10:20

1 Answer 1


If the \tab (which is not a command defined in any standard package as far as I know) part is being generated, stick


before \begin{document} to define \tab to be \label.

Note however the latex generator you are using would not have generated \tab by accident it possibly is intended to be used with a custom package that defines the commands it uses.

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