I would like to use babel with the french option and the multiple footnotes provided by the fnpct package (\multfootnote). But when I do, only one footnote is created instead of multiples.




Some text\multfootnote{first;second;third}.
% creates only one footnote instead of three. 


The french babel documentation says that it saves the original definition of \@footnotemark at the \begin{document} (p.64).

The fnpct documentation only indicates that french babel redefines \@footnotemark and that fnpct resets this redefinition (p.5).

Is it possible to have both french babel and multiple footnotes from fnpct ?

1 Answer 1


babel makes the semicolon active a \begin{document} and so fnpct no longer recognize it as a delimiter. You can reset the delimiter after \begin{document} (or choose some other char as delimiter):



\setfnpct{mult-fn-delim = {;}}
Some text{\multfootnote{first;second;third}.}


enter image description here


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