is there a package that will automate the typesetting of the triangular table used to calculate the coefficients used in Newton's devided differences algorithm?


2 Answers 2


I found one solution in the internet that worked for me. If you want to see where I find use the link, it's a text about finite differences.

x_0 & y_0 \\
    &     & \Delta y_0 \\
x_1 & y_1 &             & \Delta^2 y_0\\
    &     & \Delta y_1  &              & \Delta^3 y_0\\
x_2 & y_2 &             & \Delta^2 y_1 &             & \Delta^4 y_0\\
    &     & \Delta y_2  &              & \Delta^3 y_1\\
x_3 & y_3 &             & \Delta^2 y_2\\
    &     & \Delta y_3 \\
x_4 & y_4

I had the same problem this morning. I solved it using a not very elegant arrangement




           x_1,x_2 & x_1,x_3 & x_1,x_4 & x_1, x_5 & x_1, x_6 & x_1, x_7 & x_1, x_8 & x_1, x_9 & x_1, x_{10} 
           x_2,x_3 & x_2,x_4 & x_2,x_5 & x_2,x_6 & x_2,x_7 & x_2,x_8 & x_2,x_9 & x_2,x_{10}
           x_3,x_4 & x_3,x_5 & x_3,x_6 & x_3,x_7 & x_3,x_8 & x_3,x_9 & x_3,x_{10}
           x_4,x_5 & x_4,x_6 & x_4,x_7 & x_4,x_8 & x_4,x_9 & x_4,x_{10}
           x_5,x_6 & x_5,x_7 & x_5,x_8 & x_5,x_9 & x_5,x_{10}
           x_6,x_7 & x_6,x_8 & x_6,x_9 & x_6,x_{10}
           x_7,x_8 & x_7,x_9 & x_7,x_{10}
           x_8,x_9 & x_8,x_{10}
    \caption{Divided Differences}
  • 2
    +1. I've taken the liberty of editing your code as follows: The array package needs to be loaded, not the mathtools package, in order to be able to make use of the \newcolumntype macro.
    – Mico
    Commented Nov 23, 2016 at 9:39

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