EDIT: During the comments I noted that I should not try to change the top margin manually to keep the DIN - therefore my question is now only how can I reduce font size without changing the right and left margin.

I try to write a covering letter with scrlttr2. My goal is to fit my text on one page. I have found the following tricks to gain more space:

I found here that one can reduce the bottom margin with the class option:


I also found that I can reduce the top-margin with:


I found here that I could reduce the top-margin further with

Me, I  and myself}

but it didnt work for me.

I thought as a final step I could reduce the fontsize. But whenever I reduce the fontsize, the left and right margin becomes larger. How can I change the fontsize without changing the margin, or what else can I do to gain more space for my text?

Here is my code:

\setkomavar{subject}{My applicationn}
\setkomavar{backaddress}{Mr. Max,Maxstreet 5, 10715 Berlin}
\begin{letter}{Musterunternehmen\\ Musterstraße 12\\
12345 Musterstadt}
\opening{Hello everyone,}
\closing{Best regards,}
  • Just to be sure, letters are standardized to match certain criteria, for example fit into a windowed envelope. Is this a limitation for you or do you just want to get something lettery out there?
    – Johannes_B
    Commented Dec 12, 2014 at 19:52
  • 1
    Try playing around with high (20) DIV values. To be honest, this will soon look ugly and unprofessional.
    – Johannes_B
    Commented Dec 12, 2014 at 19:53
  • @Johannes_B is the letter stil standardizes if I use DINmtext? Well of couse it would be better if I could leave the top-margin standardized and just make the left and right margin smaller of the text.
    – Adam
    Commented Dec 12, 2014 at 20:03
  • According to the documentation, this lco is to get more content on the page and using a different folding to still fit the envelopes.
    – Johannes_B
    Commented Dec 12, 2014 at 20:10
  • If the letter shall still fit, use the DIV method mentioned above. If there are no restrictions, i would have suggested the same as in @Werner's answer.
    – Johannes_B
    Commented Dec 12, 2014 at 20:13

2 Answers 2


I'm not sure you want to read this.

KOMA-Script gives you a good typographic letter with in your case german rules. For example it gives the adress the right position so that you can simply use a windowed envelope to send the letter. With option DINmtext you can't use a windowed envelope.

I can not see a relevant reason to give up this automatic.

So if you not have to use the german (or other) rules for a letter you can use each document class you want, for example follow @werner answer.

If you have to follow the rules use KOMA-Script with the usual behaving and accept to get two pages or make your text shorter, if possible.

If you insist in changing the font size (use option fontsize=10pt, I would not use a smaller one!) but using the given margins you can use package geometry, for example set right and left margin to 1 cm:

  • You are right, one should probably keep the DIN. I have edited my question.
    – Adam
    Commented Dec 12, 2014 at 23:17

I would suggest avoiding a document class that restricts you such freedom. For that, set the letter using the (ordinary) article document class:

enter image description here


\setlength{\parindent}{0pt}% No paragraph indent

\underline{Mr.\ Max, Maxstreet 5, 10715 Berlin}


Musterunternehmen \\
Musterstraße 12 \\
12345 Musterstadt




\textbf{My application}


Hello everyone,




Best regards,




Perhaps there are some minor differences between your output under KOMA-Script, but the modifications are fairly straight-forward and easy to manipulate. I've just made a quick mock-up, so it can form a base for what you're after.

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