Suppose, there's an arbitrary .mp file which produces an image with some TeX text labels, e.g.:

outputtemplate := "test.svg";
outputformat   := "svg";
beginfig (1);
  draw fullcircle;
  draw btex test etex;

Is there a way, without modifying anything between beginfig and endfig to get an SVG file with the outlines of all the text labels, instead of "live" text, which is yielded by mere mpost filename.mp?

<text font-size="9.962646">test</text>

Preferably without any external tools not provided with a full TeX Live installation.

1 Answer 1


It took posting the question, to unexpectedly find the(an?) answer. Adding prologues := 3; in the beginning of the file seems to do the trick, and the resulting SVG file from the example file above with the addition of prologues := 3; does contain outlines:

      <path style="fill-rule: evenodd;" d="M112.000000 -252.000000C118.000000 -401.000000,202.000000 ..."></path>

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