I have a text with lots of sums where the sub/superscripts are pretty long, as in

$\displaystyle\sum_{ k=1+min\{a-1,b-1\}}^{ max\{a-1,b-1\} } i_k$

and when I compile the text gets very ugly, since the size of the superscripts drag the $i_k$ part far to the right, not counting the whole empty space it creates between the sum itself...

I am trying to find a way to countour the situation, but writing $\displaystyle \sum_{{\tiny k=1+min\{a-1,b-1\}}}^{{\tiny max\{a-1,b-1\}}}i_k$ doesn't seem to be doing anything... Is there a way to reduce the font size so that it fits exactly in the length of the sum symbol?

Edit: minimal working example with normal and tiny (the $i_k$ is tossed all the way to the right due to the length of the sub/superscripts)




$\displaystyle \sum_{k=1+min{a-1,b-1}}^{max{a-1,b-1}}i_k$ \\
$\displaystyle \sum_{{\tiny k=1+min{a-1,b-1}}}^{{\tiny max{a-1,b-1}}}i_k$ \\ 

  • Font size commands suxch as \tiny are for text mode. Could you please post a minimal compilable code?
    – Bernard
    Commented May 20, 2019 at 18:56
  • Welcome to TeX.SX! Please help us help you and add a minimal working example (MWE) that illustrates your problem. Reproducing the problem and finding out what the issue is will be much easier when we see compilable code, starting with \documentclass{...} and ending with \end{document}.
    – user170109
    Commented May 20, 2019 at 19:02
  • you should almost never need $\displaystyle which by definition is forcing a display style that is too large for inline text mode math. Commented May 20, 2019 at 20:25

3 Answers 3


You can use the \smashoperator command from mathtools , and also insist for using \scriptscriptstyle instead of scriptstyle, but there might be a legibility problem:



$\displaystyle\smashoperator{\sum_{k=1+\min(a-1,b-1)}^{\max(a-1,b-1)}}i_k$ \bigskip

$\displaystyle\smashoperator{\sum_{\scriptscriptstyle k=1+\min(a-1,b-1)}^{\scriptscriptstyle\max(a-1,b-1)}}i_k$


enter image description here


To reduce the amount of visual overload inflicted on your readers, I would proceed along the following lines:

enter image description here

Put $\mu(a,b)=1+\min\{a-1,b-1\}$ and $\nu(a,b)=\max\{a-1,b-1\}$. Then
\sum_{ k=\mu(a,b)}^{ \nu(a,b) } i_k
is defined as \dots

You could simplify this a lot like this:


 \sum_k i_k
with $1+\min(a-1,b-1)\le k\le \max(a-1,b-1)$


enter image description here

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