I inserted a figure through minipage. I want it to appear on the sixth frame of the slide but instead, it appears on the nineth. here is the code




\frametitle{some title}

    \item \visible<1-10>{1}
     \item \visible<2-10> {subitem}
     \item \visible<3-10>{{\only<10>{\color{red}} {subsubitem \hyperlink{project_A}{\beamerskipbutton{Project A} }} }
    \item\visible<4-10>{subsubitem \hyperlink{project_B}{\beamerskipbutton{Project B}}}
    \item \visible<5-10>{subsubitem\hyperlink{project_C}{\beamerskipbutton{Project C}} }}


    \item \visible<1-10> {2}



    \item \visible<6-10> {subitem} 



    \item \visible<7-10>{{\only<10>{\color{red}} {subsubitem \hyperlink{project_D}{\beamerskipbutton{Project D}}} }

 \item <8-10> {subsubitem} 
    \hyperlink{project_E}{\beamerskipbutton{Project E} } } 

\item <9-10> {subsubitem  \hyperlink{project_F}{\beamerskipbutton{Project F}}\hypertarget<10>{label}{}}







  • Please make your example document compilable. If your document results in error messages, please do not look at the output but try to fix the errors (or at least include a hint on them in your question). footnote is not an environment but a switch. See tex.stackexchange.com/q/7312/134144
    – leandriis
    Commented May 17, 2019 at 14:49
  • 1
    thank you! now is compilable :)
    – Sara
    Commented May 17, 2019 at 15:01

1 Answer 1


In the following example, I have replaced \begin{footnote} and \end{footnote} by \footnote. To show the image from slide 6 onwards, I have used \visible:




\frametitle{some title}

    \item \visible<1-10>{1}
     \item \visible<2-10> {subitem}
     \item \visible<3-10>{{\only<10>{\color{red}} {subsubitem \hyperlink{project_A}{\beamerskipbutton{Project A} }} }
    \item\visible<4-10>{subsubitem \hyperlink{project_B}{\beamerskipbutton{Project B}}}
    \item \visible<5-10>{subsubitem \hyperlink{project_C}{\beamerskipbutton{Project C}} }}


    \item \visible<1-10> {2}



    \item \visible<6-10> {subitem} 


    \item \visible<7-10>{{\only<10>{\color{red}} {subsubitem \hyperlink{project_D}{\beamerskipbutton{Project D}}} }

 \item <8-10> {subsubitem} 
    \hyperlink{project_E}{\beamerskipbutton{Project E} } } 

\item <9-10> {subsubitem  \hyperlink{project_F}{\beamerskipbutton{Project F}}\hypertarget<10>{label}{}}





       \visible<6-10>{\includegraphics[width=0.78\textwidth]{example-image} }



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