I try to use a font (VAG-HurryPen), downloaded from here. However, when I compile my document using XeLaTeX engine, I get an error

! Package polyglossia Error: The current roman font does not contain the Greek script! (polyglossia) Please define \greekfont with \newfontfamily.

Here is the "language set up"



I tried to solve my problem following this solution:



, but the problem still remains

1 Answer 1


I think it should be \greekfont not \greekfontsf. Also you can't specify Script=Greek because VAG-HurryPen does not have this OpenType script (even though it has the glyphs).

  • The Mapping=tex-text option should be Ligatures=TeX, but it's not needed because it's issued by default with fontspec.
    – egreg
    Commented Aug 21, 2016 at 11:08

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