I am trying to make my sections small caps. I have tried:




But this complains that no bold small caps font exists. How can I unbold the sections and as a bonus automatically make them small caps? I tried looking at titlesec but I found it quite confusing as I am a beginner.

  • Do you really want to unbold the sections?
    – user31729
    Commented Oct 19, 2015 at 21:17
  • @ChristianHupfer I assume that's the only way to make small caps work. If there's a way to get both works for me Commented Oct 19, 2015 at 21:18

2 Answers 2


Taken from here (using the titlesec package):


% mighty titlesec package




I just googled formatting headings latex small caps...


Here is sectsty way just make things complete.

%% \allsectionsfont{\normalfont\scshape}  %% for all sectional levels

%% \normalfont since CMR doesn't have bold small caps. If you use some other font like libertine then you can have bold small caps.
\sectionfont{\normalfont\scshape}      %% only for sections



enter image description here

And here is another way using same titlesec but this will make only section headings small caps (not subsubsection etc).






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