Have a Letter in scrlttr2. I cannot avoid/exclude the text before the page number 'Seite' (see print-screen). The official documentation recommends to add \pagenumbering{arabic}. But for my document, it has no effect.

enter image description here

  [fontsize=12pt,%%          Schriftgroesse
% Satzspiegel
   paper=a4,%%               Papierformat
   enlargefirstpage=on,%%    Erste Seite anders
   pagenumber=footcenter,%%   Seitenzahl oben mittig
% Layout
   headsepline=on,%%         Linie unter der Seitenzahl
   parskip=half,%%           Abstand zwischen Absaetzen
% Formatierung
   draft=on%%                Entwurfsmodus

% Briefstil und Position des Briefkopfs
\LoadLetterOption{DIN} %% oder: DINmtext, SN, SNleft, KOMAold.

% Seitenstil
\pagestyle{plain}%% keine Header in der Kopfzeile
               Straße 1\\
               12345 Stadt}
\opening{Liebe Herr Mustermann,}

here is some Text.


here is some Text.
  • Is there something special in your document, that it doesn't work? Can you show us a code example?
    – Johannes_B
    Commented Feb 10, 2015 at 20:29
  • Good example, few hints: -- Instead of loading package german, load \usepackage[ngerman]{babel}. -- Your makeatletter is a bit lonely there. -- DIN should is the default, no need to load it explicitely.
    – Johannes_B
    Commented Feb 10, 2015 at 21:04
  • The title of this post is not particularly helpful for someone searching for an answer to this problem. I earlier posted a question before I became aware of this one. Perhaps it would offer some ideas for a change in the title.
    – brainchild
    Commented Jan 3, 2021 at 23:58

1 Answer 1




in your preamble. This removes \pagename\ (note the space) from the page numbering scheme.

enter image description here

% Remove '\pagename\ ' from \pagemark


  • Vielen Dank! :)
    – alex
    Commented Feb 10, 2015 at 21:17
  • The author of KOMA-Script suggested to use \newcommand* instead of \renewcommand here, but clearly, it must be the latter, as shown in this answer. Apart from that, the author proposed exactly the same solution.
    – caw
    Commented Nov 15, 2017 at 21:54
  • For the package scrletter, but not for scrlttr2, the solution works only if the \renewcommand instance appears inside a letter environment, rather than in the preamble.
    – brainchild
    Commented Jan 3, 2021 at 23:54

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