TeX.sx occasionally inspires people to be ingeniously creative and write cool packages. Let's have a list of all the CTAN packages that originated in a question on TeX.sx.

I suggest a single CW answer for starters, listing the packages alphabetically, following this pattern:

  1. babyloniannum by Raphaël Pinson (Raphink). Origin: Typesetting Babylonian numerals?

0. [`packagename`](http://www.ctan.org/pkg/packagename) by
[package creator's name](link to their profile) (package creator's user name, if ≠ package
creator's name). Origin: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/number/question
(template in the answer source, the numbering works automagically)

If the list ever becomes cluttered, we can consider introducing categories.

This question is the realization of a suggestion to Mark questions that led to creating a new package.

If you notice a package-triggering question that hasn't been marked with the box yet, please add it.

A non-restricted overview of package maintainers on TeX.sx can be found at Who are the package maintainers here?.

  • Can we link to posts on the TeX-SX blog as well? Commented Sep 7, 2011 at 19:28
  • @Andrew: Sure, why not. This question is intended as a pool of information, so such links will be helpful, as long as the post doesn't get cluttered.
    – doncherry
    Commented Sep 7, 2011 at 19:44
  • Should this include questions whose answers got included in existing packages? If so, how should we mark the questions?
    – raphink
    Commented Sep 14, 2011 at 6:19
  • @Raphink: If it's just a bug fix or something similarly minor, I'd say no; if it's a new feature for a package, it might be interesting. I'm not sure though if we should put it in this question. Are there many posts that this would apply to? Could you give us one or a few examples?
    – doncherry
    Commented Sep 14, 2011 at 12:08
  • @doncherry: I'm building the impnattypo from the answers of quite a few questions.
    – raphink
    Commented Sep 14, 2011 at 13:19
  • @doncherry: I went with "This question led to a new feature in a package": Ensure minimal length of last line . Feel free to suggest a nicer wording while it's hardly used.
    – raphink
    Commented Sep 14, 2011 at 19:58
  • Should there be a tag [new-package] for these threads? It would make them easily trackable.
    – yo'
    Commented Mar 18, 2012 at 19:05
  • @tohecz: We actually decided against this option, see Mark questions that led to creating a new package
    – doncherry
    Commented Mar 18, 2012 at 20:45
  • May be "inspired by a question on TEX.SE" for example download might also have a separate section here in the list. Commented Apr 5, 2013 at 16:35

1 Answer 1

  1. abraces by Werner Grundlingh (Werner). Origin: Asymmetric overbrace

  2. aobs-tikz by Claudio Fiandrino. Origin: Highlighting in Beamer using TikZ nodes

  3. autonum by Patrick Häcker (MMM). Origin: showonlyrefs and cleveref

  4. babyloniannum by Raphaël Pinson (ℝaphink). Origin: Typesetting Babylonian numerals?

  5. bib2gls by Nicola Talbot. Origin: Is there a program for managing glossary tags?

  6. biblatex-nejm by Marco Daniel. Origin: Biblatex style file for New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)

  7. biblatex-trad by Marco Daniel. Origin: How to emulate the traditional BibTeX styles (plain, abbrv, unsrt, alpha) as closely as possible with biblatex?

  8. bibleref-mouth by Chad Parry. Origin: Can a fragile command's output ever be a hyperref address?

  9. bohr by Clemens Niederberger (cgnieder). Origin: Draw Bohr atomic model with electron shells in TeX?

  10. braids by Andrew Stacey. Origin: How to make nice braids diagrams. Blog: The Braids Package

  11. casiofont by Alan Munn. Origin: Easiest way to create TeX macro/code to access symbols from particular font?

  12. checkcites by Enrico Gregorio (egreg) and Paulo Cereda. Origin: Unused bibliography entries - how to check which entries were not used?

  13. chkfloat by Tomáš Hejda (yo'). Origin: How can I find out what pages my floats are on (without looking at every page of the document)?

  14. circledsteps by Romano Giannetti (Rmano) . Origin: Good way to make \textcircled numbers?

  15. clrstrip by Jonathan P. Spratte (Skillmon). Origin: Insert pictures inside a color box spanning the whole page width

  16. comment_io by Carl Martin Henrik Larsson (Speldosa). Origin: Create an enumerate environment that can be turned off

  17. concepts by Michiel Hel­ven­steijn (mhelvens). Origin: What should I build my new nomenclature package on top of?

  18. conteq by Joachim Breitner. Origin: Automatic arrangement of equations with comments

  19. coseoul by Michael Teubner (Tom Bombadil). Origin: Create context sensitive headings

  20. ctanupload by Martin Scharrer. Origin: CLI tool to upload to CTAN

  21. duckuments by Jonathan P. Spratte (Skillmon). Origin: Getting ducks in example images

  22. embrac by Clemens Niederberger (cgnieder). Origin: Upright parentheses in italic text

  23. etoc by jfbu. Origin: Can I get a list of all sections as a simple enumerate-list?

  24. fancytabs by Raphaël Pinson (ℝaphink). Origin: Exact position of a node in a rectangle

  25. feynmp-auto by Enrico Gregorio (egreg). Origin: Configuring Texmaker to run mpost for FeynMP Graphics

  26. fnpct by Clemens Niederberger (cgnieder). Origin: Is there a way to automatically change kerning between commas/full stops and footnote marks?

  27. fontbook by Raphaël Pinson (ℝaphink). Origin: Generate font collection book

  28. footnotebackref by Holger Lange (Holle). Origin: Footnote backreference with hyperref

  29. footnoterange by Hans-Martin Münch (Stephen). Origin: Compressing consecutive footnote marks

  30. fullwidth by Marco Daniel. Origin: How to switch between two margin sizes?

  31. halloweenmath by he prefers to remain nameless (GuM). Origin: Seasonal Challenge (Contributions from TeXing Dead Welcome)

  32. hardwrap by Kevin Godby (godbyk) and Will Robertson. Origin: How can I word-wrap LaTeX warning/error output?

  33. he-she by Alan Munn. Origin: Alternate he / she in text

  34. hf-tikz by Claudio Fiandrino. Origin: Beamer: highlighting aligned math with overlay

  35. hobby by Andrew Stacey. Origin: Curve through a sequence of points with Metapost and TikZ

  36. impnattypo by Raphaël Pinson (ℝaphink). Origin: French typography recommendations

  37. intopdf by Marcel Krüger. Origin: Embed non-PDF files (e.g., BibTex) into PDF with hyperlink in the PDF

  38. lstautogobble (lstaddons bundle) by Martin Scharrer. Origin: How to automatically skip leading white spaces in listings

  39. lstlinebgrd (lstaddons bundle) by Martin Scharrer. Origin: Creating a zebra effect using listings

  40. lua-check-hyphen by Patrick Gundlach (topskip). Origin: Reviewing hyphenations with LuaTeX

  41. lua-ul by Marcel Krüger. Origin: Underline part of a word while preserving kerning

  42. lua-visual-debug by Patrick Gundlach (topskip). Origin: How can I visualize boxes?

  43. macros2e by Martin Scharrer. Origin: Documentation reference for LaTeX internal commands?

  44. matlab-prettifier by Julien Cretel (Jubobs). Origin: What can I use to typeset MATLAB code in my document?

  45. moderntimeline by Raphaël Pinson (ℝaphink). Origin: Putting a timeline for dates in moderncv

  46. modiagram by Clemens Niederberger (cgnieder). Origin: Molecular orbital diagrams in LaTeX?

  47. movement-arrows by Alan Munn. Origin Movement arrows in gloss

  48. mwe by Martin Scharrer. Origin: about 80% of all questions

  49. newenviron by Ahmed Musa. Origin: What is the problem with nested environments using \BODY (environ package)?

  50. nowidow by Raphaël Pinson (ℝaphink). Origin: Expansion issue with \begingroup and \foreach

  51. ocgx by Paul Gaborit. Origin: How to make a diagram composed of superimposed layers where the viewer can make each layer visible or invisible independently of the other layers?

  52. odsfile by Michal Hoftich (michal.h21). Origin: Insert libreoffice table as input

  53. parnotes by Chelsea Hughes (Chel). Origin: Placing footnotes or endnotes at the end of the current paragraph

  54. pgf-blur by Martin Giese (mabartibin). Origin: Reuse of soft path in fading declaration? Transformation of fadings?

  55. pgfkeyx by Ahmed Musa. Origin: Can pgfkeys deal with active comma?

  56. qrcode by Anders Hendrickson. Origin: pgf-Tikz QR code generator

  57. recorder-fingering by Alan Munn. Origin: Chart for Recorder fingering notation in Musixtex with Tikz and Beamer

  58. romanbar by Hans-Martin Münch (Stephen). Origin: Roman numerals with over- and underline

  59. sankey by Paul Gaborit. Origin: How to draw a Sankey Diagram using TikZ

  60. sclang-prettifier by Julien Cretel (Jubobs). Origin: How can I automatically highlight SuperCollider symbols and environment variables?

  61. screenplay-pkg by Alan Munn Origin: converting documentclasses into environments: is it possible?

  62. scrjrnl by Raphaël Pinson (ℝaphink). Origin: Making a daily devotional

  63. shadowtext by Yori Zwols (Yori). Origin: How to create text with shadows?

  64. smartdiagram by Claudio Fiandrino. Origin: PowerPoint's "Smart Art" for TikZ?

  65. spath3 by Andrew Stacey. Origins: 'Poster' fountain pen nib style text and Knot diagrams in TikZ

  66. tagging by Brent Longborough (Brent.Longborough). Origin: Document configuration via tags or labels?

  67. tikzducks by samcarter. Origin: How can we draw a duck (in order to create a tikzducks package and store it in CTAN)?

  68. tikz-feynman by Joshua Ellis (JP-Ellis). Origin: Package for typesetting Feynman diagrams (efficiency of `feynmp` and `tikz`)

  69. tikzscale by Patrick Häcker (MMM). Origin: pgfplots: how can I scale to text width?

  70. tkz-kiviat by Alain Matthes. Origin: How to draw Kiviat Diagrams

  71. tqft by Andrew Stacey. Origin: Topological Quantum Field Theory diagrams with pstricks or tikz. Blog: The TQFT Package

  72. typewriter by David Carlisle. Origin: Use LaTeX to simulate old typewriter written texts

  73. underoverlap by Michiel Hel­ven­steijn (mhelvens). Origin: (How) can I manually specify the axis of a (horizontal) box in math mode?, How to fix the math-spacing when a lot of \phantom, \mathrlap, etc. are used?

  74. unravel by Bruno Le Floch. Origin: A LaTeX log analyzer application (visualizing TeX expansion)

  75. xcite by Enrico Gregorio (egreg). Origin: Use bibliography numbers and citation from other file

  76. xpatch by Enrico Gregorio (egreg). Origin: How can I use \patchcmd with commands with optional arguments? (now also regexpatch that will be merged with xpatch in the future)

  77. xpeek by Joel C. Salomon. Origin: Peek ahead for next token not in token-list

  78. xurl by Herbert Voß (account removed, now user2478). Origin Forcing linebreaks in \url

Thanks to all of them for sharing their work with the rest of the world!

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