Perks & benefits

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We’ve got you covered
Our aim is to support your health, finances, and well-being with comprehensive medical, dental, vision, and retirement benefits.
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Healthy culture & lifestyle
Our exceptional gym and superior coffee create a stimulating environment for both creativity and well-being.
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Be a true partner
All employees are eligible to join our stock option plan.
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The best locations
We’re located in the heart of Manhattan and Tel Aviv, providing an inspiring atmosphere that nurtures creativity and ambition.
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It’s easy being green
Sustainability and responsibility are at the core of our values. Our goal is to not only achieve business success, but also create a better future.
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More than just Swimming
We strive to ensure all team members feel valued, respected, and empowered.

Who we are

Our dna
We think the sky is the beginning, not the limit. Is the sky green? You tell us.
Our dna
We’re not afraid to speak our minds, make mistakes, and embrace puns.
Our dna
It’s true there’s no “I” in team. Lone wolves are nice, but teamwork’s better.
Our dna
Adaptation is a key step on the road to evolution. It’s true in nature, it’s true in business.
Our dna
Not into hand holding? Can you make something from nothing? If so, let’s talk.