Special Faculty Advisor to the Chancellor

About the Special Faculty Advisor Office

In 2016, the Chancellor's Senate/Administration Committee on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment recommended the appointment of a Special Faculty Advisor to the Chancellor on Sexual Violence/Sexual Harassment. This Cabinet-level position reports directly to the Chancellor. Professor Sharon Inkelas was appointed in 2017 as the inaugural Special Faculty Advisor, heading an office of two which for a time had a Special Projects Analyst (most recently Ava Blustein, who moved to the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination in 2022). This office is known informally as the "SVSH Advisor Office." 

The original charge for the Special Faculty Advisor position was to serve as the faculty lead for the University’s efforts in providing a safe working, learning, and living environment for students, faculty, and staff that is free from gender-based discrimination. The SVSH Advisor office collaborates with a diverse network of campus and community partners to lead, coordinate, and support data-driven efforts on campus to prevent and respond to sexual violence and sexual harassment. The work of the Special Faculty Advisor includes co-chairing the Coordinated Community Review Team (CCRT). In collaboration with OPHD and other mebers of CCRT, the SVSH Advisor Office maintains the svsh.berkeley.edu website and publishes the annual campus reports on SVSH and, more recently, Civil Rights more broadly

The title of the Special Faculty Advisor changed, in late 2021, to Special Faculty Advisor to the Chancellor on Campus Welfare, reflecting the close connections that SVSH prevention and response efforts have to other issues of campus welfare and wellbeing. The efforts of the SVSH Advisor Office continue in the same way as before.

Contact the SVSH Advisor Office at svshadvisor@berkeley.edu if...

  • Your department is looking for a consultation*
  • You would like to learn more about sexual violence and harassment prevention or response efforts on UC Campus or get involved
  • You have questions about the Coordinated Community Review Team (CCRT)
  • You would like to know more about the SVSH Annual Report or other projects

Quick Links

"Campus Conversations" Video: Special Faculty Advisor on SVSH

*The SVSH Advisor Office is not a confidential resource; its members are Responsible Employees. Under the UC Policy on SVSH, Responsible Employees are obligated to notify the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination at UC Berkeley about incidents of sexual assault, dating and relationship violence, stalking, sexual harassment, and invasions of sexual privacy.