Cyber/information security incident

The following resources are available to anyone who needs them, including staff, faculty, and other academic appointees, postdocs, and students.


Examples of security incidents include:

  • Computer system breach

  • Compromised user accounts

  • Unauthorized access to, or use of, systems, software, or data

  • Unauthorized changes to systems, software, or data

  • Email impersonating a UCB account holder

  • Loss or theft of equipment storing institutional data

  • Denial of service attack

  • Interference with the intended use of IT resources

  • Ransomware

Reporting options

Resource available for all

Information Security Office

Report information security incidents. Please visit the Quick Links page for common reporting options.

Resource for students

Student Tech Consultants

Students: Can help troubleshoot cybersecurity and other tech issues.

Protecting yourself

Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. Keep yourself safe from cyber threats by following the easy steps on the Information Security Office's Roles and Responsibilities Policy page. 

Check out the Information Security Office Education and Awareness website for a repository of articles on the following security topics: Developing Safe Habits; Netiquette and Communications; Securing Your Devices; and System, Network, & Application Security.

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