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Anydesk is opening a port forward to my router , but port forward on router is Off
@FrankThomas Unfortunately the General log is cleared because after i've found the log on Port forwarding , i've restarted the router to clear the port forward ( that is deleted after i restart the router. After the router is restarted the Port forward does not exist anymore , and this was happened on every episode that i've discovered for other computers). About Anydesk i confirm that in all PC where i discovered port forward i have anydesk and is in use.
Anydesk is opening a port forward to my router , but port forward on router is Off
Does anybody understand more from the picture i've posted ?
Anydesk is opening a port forward to my router , but port forward on router is Off
@JourneymanGeek Ok , but the first step is to know if this situation when Anydesk is involved is a normal activity or no. So can Anydesk open a port forward on routwer even when the port forward router option is set to Disabled ?
Anydesk is opening a port forward to my router , but port forward on router is Off
@John I have Norton Deluxe , a scan is made by default every some hours.
Anydesk is opening a port forward to my router , but port forward on router is Off
Yes , i'm afraid that a malware can do this ? So on my router Port Forward is Disabled , and i have an open port showed by router logs . So how this can be possible ?
Anydesk is opening a port forward to my router , but port forward on router is Off , this article says port 7070 is used for listening by anydesk. What does it mean , connection and listening ?
Anydesk is opening a port forward to my router , but port forward on router is Off
@John On my situation the port 7070 result used by Anydesk.
Anydesk is opening a port forward to my router , but port forward on router is Off
@John Anydesk works even when there are no port forward on my router logs. But time to time on Router log appear a port forward configured as i've described. But as i said Port forward option on my router is DISABLED. How this port forward is configured?
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