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aparente001's user avatar
aparente001's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • United States
13 votes

Is there a method to export the URLs of the open tabs of a Firefox window?

5 votes

Want default font in thunderbird to stick

4 votes

Disable the auto-upload that occurs on each save

2 votes

Why is Excel and Office always asking me to recover documents?

2 votes

Windows 7 Explorer search won't work

2 votes

MS Word: How to display header on first page only?

1 vote

Why is Windows 10 Explorer preview pane not showing regular TXT files?

1 vote

Disable Google Hangouts notifications for everyone EXCEPT certain people or groups?

1 vote

Combining several screenshot snippets into one document

1 vote

Compare two word documents to show only similarities

1 vote

Search for files by creation or modified date using command line

1 vote

How do I delete a signature in Foxit Reader?

1 vote

How to turn off rogue OneDrive video syncing

1 vote

How to listen to a file by looping regions?

1 vote

Rounded corners with soft edges

0 votes

How to listen to a file by looping regions?

0 votes

Would it be possible to show line numbers as part of the pdf document

0 votes

TB: "There was an error attaching fetch>UID>^[Gmail]^Drafts>122656."

0 votes

Powerpoint to create slideshow to accompany prerecorded audio file?

0 votes

Chrome deletes all my cookies, saved passwords, etc

0 votes

How to Replace text inside tag in Notepad ++ from 2 file Xml?

0 votes

Script(?) to copy website text and automatically email it daily

0 votes

Dragon Dictate adding extra characters

0 votes

Firefox open url as pinned tab by default

0 votes

How to turn off rogue OneDrive video syncing

0 votes

Excel: Highlight all instances of a phrase like in notepad++

0 votes

Is There any way DELETE Guest Account?

0 votes

Invalid account name creating scheduled task, Windows 7

0 votes

Laptop mouse excessively sensitive and makes random movements and clicks

0 votes

Setting tab distance for selected text in MS Word