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FatalError's user avatar
FatalError's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
27 votes

Why does "sudo -u root echo `whoami`" not return root?

20 votes

Pipe output of awk to kill -9

18 votes

in Linux, how to go to the folder above the symbolic link folder of the actual path?

14 votes

Why use parens instead of backticks for executing a command 'in situ'?

12 votes

Linux: Specifying top level-directory when creating zip archive

8 votes

gnu screen: find which screen window has a given running process or variable?

7 votes

sudo make install: permission denied

6 votes

Grep fail to ouptut to a pipe?

5 votes

Exclude long lines from grep results

5 votes

Bash Script for loop that is breaking lines up instead of using the whole line

4 votes

Is it possible to add an exception with a "ls -l *"

4 votes

`alias rm="rm -i"` considered harmful?

3 votes

How can I determine if Apache is installed on a system?

3 votes

How to make tail to convert ^M into CR?

3 votes

cd Command Linux and Mystery Flags

2 votes

How to find all files recursively except those in a certain directory

1 vote

find command giving different outputs with/without -print

1 vote

Restrict folder access in Ubuntu

0 votes

Alias for recursive case insensitive search in current directory

0 votes

Bash Script: Invalid argument

0 votes

SSHFS files from one server to another

0 votes

Many duplicate binaries created in /usr/bin and /bin

0 votes

traceroute going through 10.x.x.x ... Why?