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12 votes

Make postfix reject incoming email spoofed as from my own domain

If you enable Postfix's message submission service (on port 587), you can separate "message submission from message relay, allowing each service to operate according to its own rules (for ...
ThatGuy's user avatar
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9 votes

Don't deliver mail to certain addresses

To discard email for a user or domain, add an appropriate line to the "transport" table - typically by adding a line like below to /etc/postfix/transport: [email protected] discard: domain....
davidgo's user avatar
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6 votes

Example of fail2ban configuration to ban servers spamming my postfix server?

Just use Postfix directly to filter IPs using blocklists: See to reject using blocklist(s). Also read about the best place to put it ...
B. Shea's user avatar
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6 votes

SPF type ptr discouraged? Then what should I use?

SPF provides several different methods for server specification (they're all documented in the aforementioned RFC 4408, although it has since been superseded by RFC 7208). In section 5 of the document,...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
5 votes

Does a cert's filename matter?

The name of the files does not matter at all, only its content. What matters is that the path in the configuration matches the actual path on disk so that the files can be accessed. Of course, if the ...
Steffen Ullrich's user avatar
4 votes

Regex multiple catch-all setup in postfix

I'll add this for people who are wondering if it is possible to handle multiple address aliases with less configuration: /^(.*)\..*$/ [email protected] This will forward: <anything>....
L422Y's user avatar
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4 votes

Postfix allows unauthenticated users to send emails

You can force users to authenticate before send e-mails, changing not on the main.conf but on master.conf, adding the check on submission, for example, and reject everything: -o ...
Hector Vido's user avatar
4 votes

How do I deliver an email stuck in my Postfix mail queue?

postqueue -f is generally used to flush the queue, after the root cause of the delivery failure is solved. -f Flush the queue: attempt to deliver all queued mail. This option implements ...
Daniel Vérité's user avatar
4 votes

Postfix/Dovecot/Let'sEncrypt - Gmail/E-mail clients say emails form my server are not encrypted properly (red lock)

Encryption of outgoing traffic has not much to do with any of the above. When sending mail, your Postfix connects to Gmail (so neither port-forwarding nor MX records are involved) and acts like a TLS ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
4 votes

Gmail pop3 ssl can't fetch mail server

It seems like since wednesday Google Mail Servers no longer accept intermediate certificates signed using the sha1 hash algorithm. Running the command openssl s_client -connect ...
p-schneider's user avatar
4 votes

Adding custom schema to openldap

Ok I had to add some core schemas to be able to convert the postfix schema include /etc/ldap/schema/core.schema include /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.schema include /etc/ldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema ...
Pascal's user avatar
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3 votes

Dovecot's grace_quota is not working

Dovecot's grace_quota does not work as you expect it. From the Dovecot manual on quota: With v2.2+ by default the last mail can bring user over quota. This is useful to allow user to actually ...
Jens Erat's user avatar
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3 votes

fail2ban not catching SMTP password brute force attack

From the Ignore line since time 1519986602.0 < 1519987675.92 - 600 log record and the docs, I conjure that 600 is the value of the findtime option. That is, crack attempts from a given IP seem to ...
kostix's user avatar
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3 votes

Dovecot not working, apparently not listening to ports 110, 143, 993 or 995

This entry in the log—where it says “starting up without any protocols”—is the big clue: Aug 10 16:28:55 domain.tld dovecot[3122]: master: Dovecot v2.2.33.2 (d6601f4ec) starting up without any ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
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3 votes

attack via executable line after plus sign in email address

This is an attempt to exploit a recently discovered bug in the Exim4 SMTP server (v4.87 to v4.91), which would allow remote command execution as Exim would expand ${variable} substitutions in certain ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
2 votes

Postfix issue : iptables rules and can't receive email from outside

Run iptables -I INPUT 5 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT To have the rule applied inmediately. Also edit your /etc/iptables/rules.v4 and just after the rule with the 443 port, add -A INPUT ...
NuTTyX's user avatar
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2 votes

Make postfix log to show how sender rewriting happens

As quoted by victor from postfix mailing list: You can cause the envelope sender to be logged via the INFO action of access(5): smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions = ...
FELDAP's user avatar
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2 votes

Postfix Relay Based on Sender Recepient

There's a way (although not quite clean in my opinion), matching it with the header_checks parameter. For example: header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/my_relays Now in /etc/postfix/my_relays: /^From:....
nKn's user avatar
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2 votes

Postfix can't send from localhost

I found the answer! It turns out the previous admin neglected to include a section in to indicate the relay port that was specified in the dkimproxy_in.conf file: # specify what address/...
bithead's user avatar
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2 votes

How To Configure a Mail Server Using Postfix, Dovecot, MySQL, and SpamAssassin and Sieve to move to Spam / Junk folder

This is how is solved it (it took 7 months): apt install dovecot-sieve dovecot-managesieved nano /etc/dovecot/conf.d/90-plugin.conf Add or set in: protocol lmtp { mail_plugins = $...
Patrik Laszlo's user avatar
2 votes

Postfix/Dovecot/Raspbian not receiving emails from outside, IPv6 only

Your problem appears to be that the authoritative DNS servers for are sending corrupt DNS responses. This is what I saw when I first attempted to resolve your MX record: $ dig mx ...
kasperd's user avatar
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2 votes

which port does postfix connect to remote smtp server?

For client connections, port should be 587 which is submission as you stated. But inter-MTA connections should be done (by default) on port 25. Note that these parameters apply only if talking about ...
nKn's user avatar
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2 votes

postfix/sendmail error unknown referring to command line

Took me a few days but here's the solution: It's in the mail section of /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini These configurations need to look like this: [mail function] SMTP = localhost smtp_port = 25 ; For ...
Jadeye's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the correct format of a postfix sasl password database map file?

Two things are necessary: First, the option smtp_sender_dependent_authentication = yes must be enabled in the postfix main configuration file (usual location is /etc/postfix/ Without this ...
aphid's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a way to encrypt mail password when configuring mail notifications using postfix?

Because Postfix is acting as an SMTP client authenticating to another server, it cannot hash passwords – the storage must be reversible, because most mail servers will expect you to provide the ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
2 votes

Send mail from bash with MTA confirmation

None of the widely used MTAs will give you confirmation of the actual sending process and with good reason: MTAs are by definition queue-based and the time spent in a queue on a busy mailserver can be ...
Eugen Rieck's user avatar
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2 votes

what's the difference between using RBLs and anti-spam software?

what's the difference between using RBLs and anti-spam software? RBL reference known spammers IP. Anti-spam software analyse email content looking for well-known pattern to guess if mail is a spam. ...
binarym's user avatar
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2 votes

Postfix + Cyrus not working

You have a few problems with your configuration. Postfix has two parts, SMTP and SMTPD. Clients and other mail servers connect to SMTPD and the server sends mail out using SMTP. You have SMTPD SASL ...
Cameron's user avatar
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