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13 votes

How do you declare a bind mount in NixOS?

Of course, right after posting this question I find this NixOS wiki article about NFS and bind mount examples: TL;DR: Instead of fsType, I should have used options. At ...
kevlar1818's user avatar
10 votes

What are the difference between nfs over ssh and sshfs?

As the name implies, NFS is a network filesystem, i.e., a protocol designed for accessing files on a filer. As it consists of multiple services and uses multiple ports, it can appear a bit clunky and ...
basic6's user avatar
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9 votes

faster way to mount a remote file system than sshfs?

I found turning off my zsh theme that was checking git file status helped enourmously - just entering the directory was taking 10+ minutes. Likewise turning off git status checkers in Vim.
bloke_zero's user avatar
9 votes

How to map user IDs on an NFS share?

With all file-based network filesystems, file permissions are enforced by the server. What ls -l says you can do with a file doesn't necessarily have to match what you can actually do with that file. ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
8 votes

faster way to mount a remote file system than sshfs?

After searching and trial. I just found add -o Compression=no speed it a lot. The delay may be caused by the compression and uncompression process. Besides, use 'Ciphers=aes128-ctr' seems faster than ...
maple's user avatar
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8 votes

How to map NFS client root user to NFS server root user?

Use the no_root_squash option in your /etc/exports entry. From the manual page for exports: User ID Mapping nfsd bases its access control to files on the server machine on the uid and gid ...
Larssend's user avatar
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8 votes

NFS server active (exited)

Why my NFS server is stuck in active(exited) Because the NFS server lives in the kernel and does not have a userspace process. The only job of the rpc.nfsd program is to ask the kernel to start the ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
8 votes

Powershell mount NFS with options

All the guides and tutorials are talking about the mount.exe program, but what you're actually calling from PowerShell is a built-in alias to the New-PSDrive PowerShell cmdlet. Run the program as ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
7 votes

User ID mapping with NFS on Synology NAS

I've been really struggling with the exact same problem. I went through the huge pain of setting up a Kerberos server with Docker on the Synology, set up the ID mapping, and I still didn't like the ...
Cal's user avatar
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6 votes

How is this directory hidden?

You likely have automounter on top of /misc directory. Have a look at your /etc/auto.master and /etc/auto.misc files to figure out what is (auto)mounted there.
Tomek's user avatar
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6 votes

Making an NFS mount on the host visible and read-write inside Docker container

As you've noted in your update, the UID on the files is not mapped in bind mounts, this is how Linux does bind mounts. You can start the container with a different UID, but this will result in the /...
BMitch's user avatar
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5 votes

How to mount an NFS share on WSL2?

That error indicates that you're missing startup services, since WSL doesn't run systemd. sudo /etc/init.d/rpcbind start sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-common start WSL2 changes ip addresses on each boot via ...
Lar's user avatar
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4 votes

How to (cleanly) dismount sshfs when mounted on a NFS mount point?

This post is rather old. Currently on RHEL8, this is all that is required. There is no need to kill sshfs processes: sudo umount <mountpoint>
John Czukkermann's user avatar
4 votes

faster way to mount a remote file system than sshfs?

I've been doing testing with various tools on MacOS 12.1 on an M1 mac and wanted to share some possibly helpful results. Short Version: Try using rclone mount instead of sshfs. This enabled me to get ...
Jazz Weisman's user avatar
4 votes

How to mount local directory to remote hosts?

is late but... maybe other can use this. If you want to connect the remote server to your local computer, make a tunnel with ssh. $ ssh -NR 6969:localhost:22 my-ssh-key Then you have a connection ...
Anthony Milan's user avatar
4 votes

Why NFS shows 100% but actual disk usage is some MB only

Client's df reports usage of the NFS server's filesystem which holds the exported directory. The directory itself may contain less data. I think this is your case.
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
4 votes

Linux command "which" doesn't locate executable files on NFS path under Ubuntu

Your $PATH includes ~/.local/bin where tilde hasn't been expanded. bash will expand it on the fly each time, but which (at least on Ubuntu) or sh won't. If you want which to see the executables in ~/....
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
4 votes

How to get NFS Server on Windows 10?

The easiest way is to use a piece of third party software, as (as far as I know), Windows 10 does not have built in NFS server capabilities. A good, simple and easy to deploy solution is Free NFS (...
user1093396's user avatar
4 votes

How to mount an NFS share on WSL2?

2023 update: WSL2 now supports systemd, even on Windows 10 if you install the Microsoft Store version of WSL2, and if you enable systemd in WSL2, it will start up any required daemons for you.
Markus Kuhn's user avatar
3 votes

How do I mount an NFS share in Windows 10 upgraded from Windows 7 Ultimate?

A post from indicates that there has been some progress on MS side and currently (as of 2/2/2017) my Win 10 Pro does offer NFS support. Quoting "Go to control panel, add ...
honzakotrs's user avatar
3 votes

How can I switch seamlessly between wired and wireless network?

Without some help on the other side, either where your WLAN and GB LAN converge (i.e. your home router), or where the other communication point is, you can't. And that's really not a Linux issue, it'...
dirkt's user avatar
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3 votes

Mounting NFS share locally?

My bad, you simply need to add an entry /export -mapall=nobody:nobody exporting it to your local host. The reason I thought this was not the solution is that I tried to mount a ...
BlenderBender's user avatar
3 votes

How to mount NFS share in Cygwin?

You can not as Cygwin has no client NFS program. To mount a NFS point you need a filesystem driver
matzeri's user avatar
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3 votes

System logs written to an NFS mount

1) It of course depends on the amount of logging, but network logging is slow, and this can drastically slow down parts of your system, compared to logging on local disk. NFS can also use significant ...
xenoid's user avatar
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3 votes

How to get NFS Server on Windows 10?

Confirmed, it is not built in to Windows nor supported by Microsoft. At this point you can use Windows Subsystem for Linux version 2 (WSL2) to run an NFS server from your Linux side. For that, you ...
HackSlash's user avatar
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3 votes

does a (unix domain) socket in an nfs-exported fs "magically" work across hosts?

Does a Unix domain socket in an NFS-exported fs "magically" work across hosts? No - Unix domain sockets are within that kernel / namespace only, and don't operate across hosts. attie@perdy:~...
Attie's user avatar
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3 votes

High-available NFS service built with two shared-nothing storage nodes?

Assuming you will use pacemaker to fail over the DRBD active role and file system mount, all you need to add are a few cluster resources: another (tiny) DRBD carrying /var/lib/nfs a floating IP ...
Eugen Rieck's user avatar
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3 votes

NFS Directory Group permissions not working

The user on the server is not part of the media group though. It really should be. (Ideally, both the client and server should automatically know all UIDs and groups from LDAP or NIS or similar ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar

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