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12 votes

How to correct margins when printing a PDF?

It’s an old thread, but I just stumbled on the same problem and didn’t want to install anything additional, so I suggest this: (building on what nmat says and the comment of slhck) If you want to ...
lowtech's user avatar
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6 votes

Creating different margins on the first page of a word template

I know this is an old question, but it came up in my results as I was searching for the answer. What you need to do is click somewhere on the template where you want the new margins to start to apply,...
David Boston's user avatar
5 votes

Excel printed pages are different between two machines

This is an issue with the DPI setting. I'm guessing one computer is using 125% and one is using 100%. This setting can be found by right clicking the desktop and looking at the display Settings and ...
Excel_Guy's user avatar
5 votes

How can I have different margins in Libre Office Writer?

I need to leave different margins depending if the page is even or odd You should use a "Mirrored" page layout: Mirrored The current page style shows both odd and even pages with inner and ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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4 votes

IntelliJ IDE: How to add one or more margins

Well what do you know! The latest release of PyCharm (2017.3) has this feature, just when I decided to look for it. Quoting Rustam Vishnyakov from the link Florian posted: You can set it up at ...
BlackShift's user avatar
3 votes

Remove all surrounding margins in a pdf

pdfcrop should be able to do what you want. According to the man page: pdfcrop is a utility to calculate and remove empty margins from each page in the input PDF file. The resulting ...
NZD's user avatar
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3 votes

How to align two sections in one page to the top and to the bottom with complex layout?

Use 2 columns (not table columns) for the upper part of the document. Write what need to be in that section, select them, then go to Page Layout > Page Setup > Columns > Two. Then insert a column ...
Reddy Lutonadio's user avatar
3 votes

Removing VSCode Code Margin

I believe what you are referring to are the "sashes" coming from the "centered layout" view. To remove them just uncheck that view (on Os X it's under View/Appearance).
Jaime Gago's user avatar
3 votes

How to completely remove the margin of a Word document?

The limiting factor is your printer, not Word. It seems your printer does not support borderless printing and that's also suggested by the technical specifications on the Dell website. Compare the ...
hanjo's user avatar
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2 votes

IntelliJ IDE: How to add one or more margins

I just noticed on my version of IntelliJ that it supports multiple visual guides: Settings > Code Style > Visual Guides. You can enter multiple comma-separated values and you will get multiple right ...
beluchin's user avatar
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2 votes

Removing VSCode Code Margin

Search for "ruler" as suggested here, Click on the link to edit the .json file, you can comment the "editor.rulers": lines.
Luis Carlos Becerra Rueda's user avatar
2 votes

If there a way to add black margins/padding to my monitor without affecting the resolution?

The best solution by far is to return the monitor and get one which does not crop corners. The pattern of triple dots on the monitor is fixed, 1920 x 1080, in the case of the monitor you describe. To ...
DrMoishe Pippik's user avatar
2 votes

Keyboard shortcut for enabling margins' gridlines in Word 2013?

As far as I know, there is no such shortcut key to enable/disable the option "Show crop marks" in Word. In addition, check if you have ever double-clicked on the white space between two pages to ...
Herb Gu _ MSFT's user avatar
1 vote

Microsoft Word Table Cell Top Margin - applying different top margin to different cells in the row

As others pointed out, you cannot have different margins. However, you can work with merged cells and invisible cells to obtain a visibly identical result. 1) Draw a table with two extra-rows at the ...
1NN's user avatar
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1 vote

Removing VSCode Code Margin

I had the same problem. I fix it in de menu->view-apparence and there I uncheck center design. For me works, I hope for you too.
Ignacio Mascali's user avatar
1 vote

Removing VSCode Code Margin

you need to unable toggle word wrap on View: on mac = command + Z on windows = CTRL + Z
Carlos Scarpantonio's user avatar
1 vote

What are the standard Microsoft Office margins for double-sided printing on A4?

The standard margins for Word, for A4 pages are 2.5 cm for each side.
Bogdan Doicin's user avatar
1 vote

Create PDF from an Excel file without margins in Windows 7

It might sound silly, but to fix this issue, assign a sufficiently wide border (bold or wider, depending on scale) on the left edge of the table. This will apparently cover the white margin :) (...
Michał Sacharewicz's user avatar
1 vote

How does Adobe Acrobat determine the scaling for fit-printing?

If I am not too mistaken, Acrobat scales the bounding box around the contents so that it fits into the printable area. That would explain the differences you notice. Also, not all printers have ...
Max Wyss's user avatar
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1 vote

Converting a Docx file to PDF without losing any formatting

Or...if you go to File > Save as > PDF then before you click Export be sure to select "Best for Printing" under File Format. The formatting changes if you select "Best for electronic distribution" (...
adamspc's user avatar
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1 vote

Creating different margins on the first page of a word template

To create a different margins on the first page, go to page setup, click the layout tab, click different first page. I have to do this every year to edit our stationery, and have to look it up each ...
Sonja Kodiak Wilder's user avatar
1 vote

How to correct margins when printing a PDF?

The program FinePrint will allow you to change the margins of PDF documents easily.
Gabe Hizer's user avatar

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