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55 votes

Windows 10 Lock Screen always puts monitor to sleep after 60 seconds

After several unsuccessful searches and attempts to fix the problem using standard and advanced settings, I finally came across a registry key setting that seems to be required to allow changes to the ...
James's user avatar
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28 votes

Windows 10: How to Lock (not sleep) laptop on lid close?

As far as I know, there is no built-in function to achieve this. But you can do this using a third party tool. One of them is LapLock. This program is a lightweight (<50KB), open source tool and ...
DxTx's user avatar
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21 votes

How to disable "link your phone" links on the lock screen?

Open Settings. Click on Personalization. Click on Lock screen. In the Background drop-down menu, select Picture or Slideshow. Turn off the Get fun facts, tips, and more from Windows and Cortana on ...
music2myear's user avatar
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17 votes

Windows 10 Display Won't Sleep/Turn Off (Tried Everything!)

It turned out to be a combination of 2 things (together). Joystick USB devices plugged in (in my case Thrustmaster HOTAS) Nvidia Geforce Experience overlay enabled If I either unplugged (1) or ...
TechieJ's user avatar
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16 votes

Windows 10 lock screen - display my own random images

Put some images into a folder such as 'Lock Screen', set the Background to Slideshow then choose the album for your slide show pointing at the 'Lock Screen' folder. Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134
spikey_richie's user avatar
13 votes

Can't add folder for photo album lockscreen

I had a similar problem with Google Drive. Same error. Then it 'worked' when I put a slightly different version of the same path. Make sure you start with C:\ and then drill down to the folder. C:\...
subs's user avatar
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13 votes

In Windows 11, how do I boot directly into the login screen?

The Lock Screen can be disabled in one of two ways: by editing the Registry directly, or by using the Group Policy Editor. Using the Registry Editing the Registry is always risky, and you should ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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12 votes

Disable media controls on the Windows 10 lock screen

In Chrome go to chrome://flags/#hardware-media-key-handling and set that to "Disabled": Explanation: I was able to find a way to hide this feature per-browser. This is part of the Media Session API ...
bchang02's user avatar
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11 votes

How do I kill the lockscreen after the Windows 10 anniversary update?

For Anniversary Update Builds There is a workaround to disable the Lock Screen in Anniversary Update builds, in any edition of Windows. Create a Scheduled Task that runs the following command-line, ...
w32sh's user avatar
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11 votes

Windows 8: How to Lock (not sleep) laptop on lid close?

I wrote an alternative to the LidLock application suggested in other answers, called LapLock. What it does is simply listen for the lid close event and lock the computer when the event fires. Compared ...
Etienne Dechamps's user avatar
10 votes

Windows 10: How to Lock (not sleep) laptop on lid close?

Two steps: Capture the close lid event. Trigger a lock-screen event. See: Capturing laptop lid closing event in windows?, and Command-line (cmd) command to lock a windows machine. From those ...
mazunki's user avatar
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10 votes

How can I find out what is preventing the screen from locking?

To view which applications are preventing just use the command (Using CMD with Admin rights): powercfg /requests And you will know the process.
Jack Stuard's user avatar
9 votes

Windows 10 Lock Screen always puts monitor to sleep after 60 seconds

The above answer prevents the screen from going black, but preventing the system from sleeping is a different thing. There is another registry entry to prevent falling asleep. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\...
Jonathan's user avatar
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9 votes

Is it safe to lock my computer during program installation?

Yes, it's safe. Locking your desktop doesn't interrupt anything, it just... locks your desktop :) Underneath the lock screen, the PC is working just like it would while being unlocked.
gronostaj's user avatar
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8 votes

Windows 10 Display Won't Sleep/Turn Off (Tried Everything!)

As you alluded to in your original post, this is a useful command to run in an administrator command prompt: powercfg /requests It will list any devices that are currently preventing the device from ...
Simon E.'s user avatar
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7 votes

Retrieve Custom Windows 10 Lock Screen Image

Based on some detective work using Process Monitor, Windows 10* stores custom lock screen backgrounds at: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\SystemData\<Your-SID>\ReadOnly\LockScreen_A Note: The ...
I say Reinstate Monica's user avatar
6 votes

Windows 10 lock screen slideshow options greyed out

Apparently the group policy "Force specific screen saver" will disable the lock screen slide show options. This is despite the fact that there is a separate GPO called "Prevent enabling lock screen ...
Kris Harper's user avatar
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5 votes

Windows 10: How to Lock (not sleep) laptop on lid close?

The solution is simple, in options --> accounts --> Sign-in options: Require sign-in = Every Time
sema's user avatar
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5 votes

Disable media controls on the Windows 10 lock screen

There's a Group Policy edit which will fix this for your computer. This isn't app specific and will work for anything that is playing. Open Group Policy Editor (run gpedit.msc) Then navigate to: ...
AutoBaker's user avatar
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5 votes

Change lockscreen wallpaper on Xfce Kali Linux

You may have changed it by now but I'm answering this in case someone else may need it. Option 1 - Terminal Under /usr/share/desktop-base/kali-theme/login/ is a symbolic link named background. ...
sploitbrat's user avatar
5 votes

xfdesktop error after inactivity "None of the screen lock tools ran successfully, the screen will not be locked"

I don't use ArchLinux specifically but the problem keeps on appearing on different distros running XFCE DE due to possibly different reasons (not clearly known to me at the moment). Recently it ...
Irfan Latif's user avatar
4 votes

Windows 10 lock screen background different on startup

This solution works for Windows 10 Enterprise. Go to the following Registry entry (or add it): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Personalization Add a new String key with the ...
mbomb007's user avatar
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4 votes

Disabled screen lock on macOS

Instead of writing to preferences, we must use sysadminctl to configure screen lock now. sysadminctl -screenLock off -password <my password> or if you'd rather have a password prompt ...
Heath Borders's user avatar
4 votes

Disable media controls on the Windows 10 lock screen

If you only need to disable the media controls overlay for Spotify (this seems to be the case), then you can do it from the Spotify side of things by going to: Spotify (app) -> Edit -> ...
johnbchron's user avatar
4 votes

Windows 11 screen timeout - no lock though

In settings to go to Personalization > Lock screen and click on Screen saver (or open the Screen Saver Settings by searching for Change screen saver in the Start Menu.) Set the Wait time to the ...
Yisroel Tech's user avatar
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3 votes

The seconds displayed on the Windows 10 lockscreen clock are not updating

The lock screen displays the short time. By default a short time pattern does not include seconds. The lock screen design is therefore based on the principle that displaying seconds is not necessary (...
Slipeer's user avatar
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3 votes

Can't add folder for photo album lockscreen

The top answer did not work for me, but creating a symlink did. mklink /d c:\photos H:\Dropbox\Photos produces: symbolic link created for c:\photos <<===>> H:\Dropbox\Photos Now I can select '...
user46550's user avatar
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3 votes

Disable Windows Lock Screen - Win 8.1

Gaurav commented: I think I found it by looking into "logoff" event in event viewer. Earlier i was checking for "lock" event. I can see an event 7002 (User Logoff Notification for Customer ...
Jack White's user avatar
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3 votes

Where does Windows 10 store background and lock screen pictures?

Make sure hidden folders are visible by opening an Explorer window and selecting Show Hidden items from the View tab. Navigate to %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows....
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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